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Cancer Surveillance Cancer Surveillance v1.0

Cancer Surveillance
A health app that allows you to monitor your cancer progress.Arrange all your cancer related appointments with your doctor, tests, results and monitor your cancer therapy progress.Arrange your appointments and mark your next one so you dont forget.

Tele2dic Tele2dic v2.1

Tele2dic. WEP WPA KeyGen.

Dictionary generator keys WEP, WPA & WPA2 by default, routers of Internet service provider Tele2 / TeleTu.

Generador de diccionario de claves WEP, WPA y WPA2 por defecto, para routers del proveedor de servicios de Internet Tele2 / TeleTu.

Dictionary chiavi generatore WEP, WPA e WPA2 per impostazione predefinita, i router del provider di servizi Internet Tele2 / TeleTu.

iMed 101 iMed 101 v1.1

Imed 101 is an m-health Android application. It's a one stop shop for all health issues. features include:
1) disease causes, symptoms and treatment.
2) weight management module with BMI and daily calories calculators.
3) google maps module for finding nearest health facilities e.g.
4) information on ways of tackling addiction.
5) recording of an accident location e.t.c

LockMind LockMind v1.0.53

A brain teaser fast e simple.

Web Alert Web Alert v1.0.25

Track websites automatically and gives notifications when matching a user condition.
Only small sections of a webpage can be selected for matching condition (jQuery selector)
Selected sections of the webpage can be interpreted as TEXT, NUMBER or DATE for defining the triggering condition.

Sex and Common-Sense Sex and Common-Sense v1.0

Of all the problems which the alert and curious mind of modern man is considering, none occupies him more than that of the relations of the sexes.

The Creative Process in the Individual The Creative Process in the Individual v1.0

It is an old saying that Order is Heaven's First Law, and like many other old sayings it contains a much deeper philosophy than appears immediately on the surface.

Thought Vibration: Or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World Thought Vibration: Or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World v1.0

THE Universe is governed by Law - one great Law. Its manifestations are multiform, but viewed from the Ultimate there is but one Law.

Thought Force In Business and Everyday Life Thought Force In Business and Everyday Life v1.0

To the minds of most people, the term Personal Magnetism conveys the idea of a current radiating from the person of the magnetic individual, drawing to him all those within the radius of his magnetic force.

Practical Mental Influence Practical Mental Influence v1.0

Students of history find a continuous chain of reference to the mysterious influence of one human mind over that of others.

Joy & Power: Three Messages with One Meaning Joy & Power: Three Messages with One Meaning v1.0

The desire of happiness, beyond all doubt, is a natural desire.

Wisdom of the East: Buddhist Psalms translated from the Japanese of Shinran Shonin Wisdom of the East: Buddhist Psalms translated from the Japanese of Shinran Shonin v1.0

Buddhism passed into Japan from China and Korea about 1320 years ago, in or about the year A.D. 552.

Tom Sawyer, Detective Tom Sawyer, Detective v1.0

Tom Sawyer, Detective follows Twain's popular novels The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, and Tom Sawyer Abroad.

How to Tell a Story and Other Essays How to Tell a Story and Other Essays v1.0

In How to Tell a Story and Other Essays, iconic American author Mark Twain discusses his own experience as a writer and his personal style.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer The Adventures of Tom Sawyer v1.0

The orphan Tom Sawyer, raised by his aunt, is never out of trouble for long.

The $30,000 Bequest: And Other Stories The $30,000 Bequest: And Other Stories v1.0

The $30,000 Bequest And Other Stories is a collection of short stories by the iconic American writer and humorist Mark Twain.

Romeo and Juliet Romeo and Juliet v1.0

Romeo and Juliet is one of Shakespeare's early tragedies.

Hamlet Hamlet v1.0

Hamlet is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written between 1599 and 1601.

The Comedy of Errors The Comedy of Errors v1.0

The Comedy of Errors is one of Shakespeare's most popular short comedy plays.

The Merchant of Venice The Merchant of Venice v1.0

The Merchant of Venice is classed as one of Shakespeare's comedies, but is more often remembered for its dramatic characters and situations.