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Walkie Talkie Push to Talk Lite Walkie Talkie Push to Talk Lite v0.8.4.2

Walkie Talkie style voice communications.
Hold down the "Record & Send" button and speak.
Message a group of people.
History log allows re-play and reply to all.

No SMS charges or Talk Minutes.

AnonymousEmail AnonymousEmail v1.0.1

Anonymous Email is a email sender for your HTC G1.
Easy to use,anonymous Email is able to send to any email from any email or anonymous email .
Just fill the senders email or leave blank for totally anonymous and send it to your friends.
-Nothing to setup
-landscape mode
-multi email receiver ex: firstemail@gmail.com,secondemail@gmail.com...
-Email are not detected like spam.
by downlading this software you agree to do not usurp any identity.