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Learn Arabic Colors Learn Arabic Colors v1.0


If you want to learn the Arabic language using pictures and audios , you can use this application as a start for that . The category of the content of the application is about colors in Arabic. Once you open the application , you will find how it's easy to go through the pages .Each page includes a picture of a color , its name in Arabic and English ,and an audio that pronounces the Arabic word .So , enjoy your time learning the Arabic colors in a very simple way .


Parental rating: 
Teen (age 13 and over)
Default language: 
Trial version: 
"In-App" billing: 
With advertisements: 
Learn Arabic Colors
Learn Arabic Colors
Learn Arabic Colors
Learn Arabic Colors


Requires Google Play and/or account: 
Requires third-party libraries: 
Requires 'rooted' device: 
Minimum Android version: 
Android 2.1
Requires features: 
Requires permissions: 
Access network state, Change configuration, Internet, Read external storage, Write external storage,

Discussions on Learn Arabic Colors

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RE: changing the title

Open a support ticket using this form:

Please delete this application

I am sorry to write here again, I don't know how to open a support ticket . Would you please guide me for that ?

Another thing is that I made another mistake in the title , so please deny this and look at the new upload for this application .


RE: changing the title

Application titles are drawn from the application's label in the application manifest (xml) in the apk. The title has to be changed on your side, re-build the apk, then re-upload it.

Note that these comments are public; you should open a support ticket instead if you need assistance via the Contact link at the top of the website. Once your application is approved and goes live, we will remove these comments for you.

changing the title


Can you change the title of the application from Learn colors to Learn Arabic Colors

Thanks ..

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