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这次讲的是一个地球混混意外穿越修仙世界的故事。 有仇必报吃不得亏的性格,加上一部地球无法使用的符咒大全,他能不能在崇尚力量的残酷大陆拼搏出一番天地呢? (!!, hotest, The, E-books) Android,Android Apps,Android Games,Appstore,Marketplace,Store,!!,hotest,The,E-books 这次讲的是一个地球混混意外穿越修仙世界的故事。 ...

Mobile application - zhiyou - Mai 22 2011 - 10:06pm - 0 commentaires


  旷古绝今的赤子琴心,一代琴魔法师,在碧空海之中悄然诞生。这将是一个单纯的少年,逐渐成为琴中帝王的故事。但是,他真的只是琴中帝王么? (hotest, novel!!, The, E-books) Android,Android Apps,Android Games,Appstore,Marketplace,Store,hotest,novel!!,The,E-books 开创音乐魔法的先河,颠覆以往的设定,赤橙黄绿青蓝紫,彩虹等级将成为所有武技和魔法衡量的标准。龙,不再是无敌的生物,这将是一本高龙小说。 ...

Mobile application - zhiyou - Mai 22 2011 - 10:17pm - 0 commentaires


  这个故事,便是从“青云门”开始的。 (hostest, novel!!, The, E-books) Android,Android Apps,Android Games,Appstore,Marketplace,Store,hostest,novel!!,The,E ...

Mobile application - zhiyou - juin 9 2011 - 12:42am - 0 commentaires


番茄的前四本小说有三本是修真仙侠类,一本是西方魔幻类。而这第五本小说,则是东方玄幻类。 《九鼎记》,番茄构思许久,也是期待最高的一本书。相信,不会让大家失望的。 (hostest, Novel, The, 小说, 连载, E-books) Android,Android Apps,Android Games,Appstore,Marketplace,Store,hostest,Novel,The,小说,连载,E-books 这是番茄的第五本小说。 ...

Mobile application - zhiyou - août 24 2011 - 8:49am - 0 commentaires


大陆公认第一强者,斯特恩大陆唯一一名灵药圣师,大陆最出色的天才杰森,在一次实验意外中,进入时空乱流,回到了三千年前的灵师蛮荒时代,在这个灵药师发展还未成熟的年代,在这个落后的灵师时代,且看重生之后的杰森,如何利用自己的力量,再度站在大陆的巅峰,突破自己的前世桎梏! (Chinese, gongfu, story, E-books) Android,Android Apps,Android Games,Appstore,Marketplace,Store,Chinese,gongfu,story,E ...

Mobile application - zhiyou - août 24 2011 - 8:51am - 0 commentaires


有一日,天神问我,要透视还是要重生?我毫不犹豫的回答我要透视…… 于是乎,杨明的美好生活开始了!考试、赌石、泡校花,顺便勾引一下美女老师…… (小说, 连载, E-books) Android,Android Apps,Android Games,Appstore,Marketplace,Store,小说,连载,E-books 有一日,天神问我,要透视还是要重生?我毫不犹豫的回答我要透视…… ...

Mobile application - zhiyou - août 24 2011 - 8:54am - 0 commentaires


******************************************* (China, hoest, Novel, E-books) Android,Android Apps,Android Games,Appstore,Marketplace,Store,China,hoest,Novel,E-books 世界末日的到来,不过是新一个轮回的开始…… 在这个没有规则的世界里,欲望也就失去了枷锁…… 【修真等级:冲经,通脉,破魂,辟海,凝星,蜕引,化阳,幻神,融体,碎空】 主要功能包括: ...

Mobile application - zhiyou - oct. 6 2011 - 12:15pm - 0 commentaires


(Chinese, Novel, E-books) Android,Android Apps,Android Games,Appstore,Marketplace,Store,Chinese,Novel,E-books 天玄大陆,一个以修炼元素之力为主的世界,凡是能够吸收元素之力淬炼自己肉身的战士称之为斗士! 在这个斗士横行,斗士独尊的世界里,一名身上没有半点元力却有着惊天武技的少年横空出世…… ...

Mobile application - zhiyou - oct. 6 2011 - 12:23pm - 0 commentaires


  职业等级:魂士、魂师、大魂师、魂尊、魂宗、魂王、魂帝、魂圣、斗罗、封号斗罗。 (Chinese, novels, The, E-books) Android,Android Apps,Android Games,Appstore,Marketplace,Store,Chinese,novels,The,E-books 唐门外门弟子唐三,因偷学内门绝学为唐门所不容,跳崖明志时却来到了另一个世界,一个属于武魂的世界。名叫斗罗大陆。 ...

Mobile application - zhiyou - août 27 2014 - 10:07pm - 0 commentaires


软件功能:1.自动连载 2.书签 3.繁体支持 4.备用服务器 5.全面支持1.6以后系统 6.更多连载推荐 (Book, China, hot, 斗破苍穹, E-books) Android,Android Apps,Android Games,Appstore,Marketplace,Store,Book,China,hot,斗破苍穹,E ...

Mobile application - zhiyou - déc. 21 2011 - 9:41am - 0 commentaires


Novel, the hotest, E-books) Android,Android Apps,Android Games,Appstore,Marketplace,Store,chinese books,Novel,the hotest,E-books 盘龙 ...

Mobile application - zhiyou - déc. 22 2011 - 11:28pm - 0 commentaires


serial, E-books) Android,Android Apps,Android Games,Appstore,Marketplace,Store,free,Novel,serial,E-books 一个普通的山村穷小子,偶然之下,进入到当地的江湖小门派,成了一名记名弟子。他以这样的身份,如何在门派中立足?又如何以平庸的资质,进入到修仙者的行列?和其他巨枭魔头,仙宗仙师并列于山海内外? ...

Mobile application - zhiyou - août 28 2014 - 10:14pm - 0 commentaires

Discount Me!

developed, so if you have any idea, write me an e-mail or share it in the comments. - You can expect ...

Mobile application - zhelyazko - oct. 31 2012 - 10:23am - 1 commentaire

Charm King review by zemer.e.lumtur

Great app, would highly recommend it! Android,Android Apps,Android Games,Appstore,Marketplace,Store Great app, would highly recommend it! ...

Review - zemer.e.lumtur - mars 21 2015 - 5:49pm - 0 commentaires


met, and the activities (i.e. communications, dates) for each. Allows rating of appearance, ... first met, and the activities (i.e. communications, dates) for each. ...

Mobile application - zellent - mars 31 2010 - 1:57am - 0 commentaires

Escape the box

for Game Mode i.e. Tilt Mode or Touch Mode. User can also set number of enemies and their speed. This way ...

Mobile application - zealmobiles - sept. 2 2013 - 5:30am - 0 commentaires

SMS Share

SMS-Share will share/email your messages directly from your SMS inbox to Facebook, Twitter, E-mail and many more on a single tap. ... to Facebook, Twitter, E-mail and many more on a single tap. SMS-Share will make your work more easy ...

Mobile application - zealmobiles - sept. 6 2013 - 8:55am - 0 commentaires

Just buying

preinstalled product base, which can be edited by the user; 3) Send shopping lists by e-mail, SMS and other ...

Mobile application - ZDmitriy83 - janv. 27 2017 - 9:09am - 0 commentaires

Ghost Commander

or external), open file with appropriate application (f.e. install an .apk), send files via email or bluetooth, ...

Mobile application - zc2 - Mai 7 2014 - 2:12pm - 0 commentaires

Power Schedule

for you or you have some improvement ideas, please write me an e-mail at mircea@monocube.com . ... If the application is not working for you or you have some improvement ideas, please write me an e ...

Mobile application - zaWasp - juin 13 2012 - 4:53am - 0 commentaires