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Red Nails

and is often cited by Howard scholars as one of his best tales." - Wikipedia Menu Options: Note ... information about the app, such as the version number. From this dialog box, you can see our other apps, visit ...

Mobile application - Cynosure.X Intern... - juin 26 2012 - 8:23pm - 0 commentaires

Journey to the West

of China, and The Adventures of Monkey, and in a further abridged version for children, Dear Monkey. 西游记 《西游记》,又名《西游释厄传》,是中国古典四大名著之一,由明代小说家吴承恩编撰而成。此书描写的是孙悟空、猪八戒、沙和尚保护唐僧西天取经、历经九九八十一难的传奇历险故事。 NOTE:This application is using StartApp, push ad notifications features might be included. ...

Mobile application - 9 Start Studio Inc - janv. 20 2013 - 8:06pm - 0 commentaires


princes and Empress seal of version value is extremely high. 鸳鸯秘谱 《鸳鸯秘谱》又名《风流绝畅图》,约成书于明天启四年(公元1624年),乾隆五十二年(公元1788年)被列入《禁书总目》,自此历朝均严饬查禁,再未开刻,仅以原刻本传世。因持有人多秘藏不宣,故时至今日有幸一睹者极少。此次获准影印出版者,为清大内藏本,于清宫藏书中亦属珍稀善本之列,上有明清收藏大家、观览诸王、皇子及帝后钤印,版本价值极高。 NOTE:This application is using StartApp, push ad notifications features might be included. ...

Mobile application - 9 Start Studio Inc - juill. 23 2012 - 9:40pm - 0 commentaires

The Golden Lotus

Lanling, or present-day Shandong). The earliest known versions of the novel exist only in handwritten scripts; the first block-printed book was released only in 1610. The more complete version available today ... 《金瓶梅》是我国明代长篇世情小说,成书约在隆庆至万历年间,作者署名兰陵笑笑生。《金瓶梅》借《水浒传》中武松杀嫂一段故事为引子,通过对兼有官僚、恶霸 、富商3种身份的封建时代市侩势力的代表人物西门庆及其家庭罪恶生活的描述,揭露了明代中叶社会的黑暗和腐败,具有较深刻的认识价值。后被拍成许多同名的影视作品。 NOTE ...

Mobile application - 9 Start Studio Inc - sept. 5 2012 - 10:33pm - 0 commentaires

The Colors of Space

Menu Options: Note that some menu options may not be applicable to this e-book. Content - ... detailed information about the app, such as the version number. From this dialog box, you can see our other ... Games,Appstore,Marketplace,Store,alien,ebook,fiction,Novel,planet,race,science,scifi,ship,space,E-books Menu Options: Note that some menu options may not be applicable to this e-book. Content - ...

Mobile application - Cynosure.X Intern... - janv. 8 2012 - 6:35am - 0 commentaires

Beauty and the Beast

Note that some menu options may not be applicable to this e-book. Content - This menu options ... detailed information about the app, such as the version number. From this dialog box, you can see our other ... Games,Appstore,Marketplace,Store,Beast,beauty,Book,child,children,Daughter,ebook,ending,fairy,father,flower,happy,kids,monster,prince,tale,toddler,E-books Menu Options: Note that some menu options may not be applicable to this e-book. Content - ...

Mobile application - Cynosure.X Intern... - janv. 17 2012 - 1:03pm - 0 commentaires

Deathworld 2 - The Ethical Engineer

Menu Options: Note that some menu options may not be applicable to this e-book. Content - ... detailed information about the app, such as the version number. From this dialog box, you can see our other ... Games,Appstore,Marketplace,Store,alien,caveman,craft,craps,dice,gambling,Mental,monsters,murder,planet,Power,predator,prey,psi,psy,ship,slave,slavery,space,theft,world,E-books Menu Options: Note that some menu options may not be applicable to this e-book. Content - ...

Mobile application - Cynosure.X Intern... - févr. 20 2012 - 4:48am - 0 commentaires

The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes

Options: Note that some menu options may not be applicable to this e-book. Content - This menu ... detailed information about the app, such as the version number. From this dialog box, you can see our other ... Games,Appstore,Marketplace,Store,adventure,doctor,England,intrigue,London,murder,mystery,theatre,watson,E-books Menu Options: Note that some menu options may not be applicable to this e-book. Content - ...

Mobile application - Cynosure.X Intern... - janv. 9 2012 - 5:00pm - 0 commentaires

Little Red Riding Hood AdSupported

Options: Note that some menu options may not be applicable to this e-book. Content - This menu ... detailed information about the app, such as the version number. From this dialog box, you can see our other ... Games,Appstore,Marketplace,Store,bad,big,fairy,girl,grandma,little,tale,wolf,woods,E-books Menu Options: Note that some menu options may not be applicable to this e-book. Content - ...

Mobile application - Cynosure.X Intern... - janv. 10 2012 - 4:35am - 0 commentaires


Aldiko Book Reader app supports English, 中文(简体) 中文(繁體), Deutsch, Française, Español, Italiano, 한국의, ... Book Reader works on Android phones and tablets with Android version 2.2 or above. great app! ...

Mobile application - aldiko - août 28 2014 - 3:08am - 4 commentaires