SUBPART Q FDP Calculator FULL version
Calculate the FDP limit and Rest Requirements for both Flight Deck and Cabin Crew according to EU-OPS Subpart Q.
Included features:
FDP, FDP limit, Minimum Required Rest calculation with detailed explanation, Extensions, Augmentation.
Handle differentiations between Civil Aviation Authorities through the Settings screen.
Available six different calculation methods (Default - LBA German -Spanish - Danish - IACA's proposal - EASA)
Makes all the necessary calculations for building a glass Aquarium!
Program for savings. Save receipts and expenditures. As well as future income is calculated and the calculation of car finance.
simple application to help you calculate tip and split the bill among your friends.
Quickly and painlessly calculate operational parameters of any telescope and eyepiece combination.
A great tool for every programmer. The only one that supports floating point numbers conversion and basic operations for all 4 numeral systems (decimal, binary, octadecimal and hexadecimal).
Tool for designing video surveillance systems. This instrument allows you to define the parameters of the lens for your cameras.
Detect and calculate between your position and base station.
Equation entry/editable Calculator
Extended significant digit >16
Geoprops is a calculator of geometric properties for various section types. It mainly addresses Civil / Structural Engineers, but can be used by any Student who needs to calculate the area and the geometric center of a shape.
CAP 371 FDP Calculator
Calculate the FDP limit and Rest Requirements for both Flight Deck and Cabin Crew according to UK CAP 371.
FDP limit calculation with detailed explanation based on the following paragraphs
§ 13. Two or more flight crew - Acclimatised
§ 13. Two or more flight crew - Not Acclimatised
§ 14. Limits on Two Flight Crew Long Range Operations
Minimum Required Rest with detailed explanation
In-Flight Relief
Split Duty
Commander's Discretion
Simple RPG dice calculator.
Minimalistic, fast, simple and colorized app to calculate your dice results.
XP Calculator shows how many mobs you need to kill to reach level 30. You can also calculate how many ores to mine or smelt to reach your target level. You can adjust your current and your target level using seekbars. Result will be shown automatically when adjusting the seekbars.
Compute restaurant bills and tips with ease!
This useful calculator will tell you the degrees, Nautical Miles, Statute Miles, and Kilometers between your originating and destination airports. It's got a built-in database of over 150 of the most traveled airports!
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Income Tax Calculator for Poland
Earth Geo Magnetic Calculator 3D
How much money could you save each month?
Net-Income Calculator helps you to review where your money go and how much money you actual save each month.