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MahJah v1.1
Mahjong-solitaire like 3D matching time-killer game.
Magzter v3.19
Magzter, the world’s fastest growing digital magazine store now introduces BOOKS! We are now "Magzter – Magazine & Book Store".
Magzter is everything you ever wanted from digital reading.
Magzter 3.0 series of updates bring a completely stylized and stable app with a host of new features.
Magnetic Pulsator full version v2.12
Magnetic pulsator uses formulas from quantum physics to simulate magnetic motions, which occur at the quantum level. This simulation creates fascinating and hypnotizing patterns. This live wallpaper is truly one of its kind, there is nothing similar on the market. Experience this never ending flow of strange magnetic wave patterns now!
Menu>Wallpaper>LIVE wallpapers>Magnetic pulsator
Magnetic Pulsator free version v3.1
Magnetic pulsator uses formulas from quantum physics to simulate magnetic motions, which occur at the quantum level. This simulation creates fascinating and hypnotizing patterns. This live wallpaper is truly one of its kind, there is nothing similar on the market. Experience this never ending flow of strange magnetic wave patterns now!
Menu>Wallpaper>LIVE wallpapers>Magnetic pulsator
Magnetic Cube v1.8
Magnetic Cube is an addictive puzzle game originated from Jens Duttke's Macuro. The object of game is to roll all colored cubes to floor of same color by using green cube. You can roll the green cube everywhere and dock other cube to it to roll together. The green cube act like an electric magnet in steel mill. There are 38 levels in total.
Magnetic Board v1.2
Turn Your phone or tablet into a standalone scrolling LED display or use it as a LCD display with remote control for Your customers or for Your party.
MagicBricks v5.0.0
Magicbricks Android App: Buy/Rent Properties with our Real Estate mobile App!
Magic Touch Waterfall LWP v2.0
Enjoy the beauty Waterfall Magic Touch Live Wallpaper for FREE
Feel the magic touch effect from this live wallpaper, you can touch and play and see the magic effect works.
You can choose 4 different waterfall picture or choose your own image from your Phone /SD Card
This Live Wallpaper has been optimized to consume as little as possible battery power.
Magic Piano v2.6
Magic Piano is the best Multitouch Piano for android. It is equipped with 6 Full Octaves, recording and music playing features, beautiful animations, piano skins and tons of other features
Magic Night Forest v1.0.3
Magic Forest Live Wallpaper is amazing dynamic android live wallpaper for you smartphone or tablet. Dive into the mysterious animated world of magic and mystery, enjoy beatiful glowing tree, deer, fireflies, falling leaves and lots of other customizable effects and animations on your own magic forest glade.
Magic Lotus Journey Visualizer v1.21
Experience a 3D ride through a mind expanding tunnel! Mystical lotus patterns and shifting colors create a trance inducing and hypnotizing effect.
This live wallpaper also works like a music visualizer, which syncs with your favorite music from any player. It is very suitable for meditation or just relaxing, while riding through the tunnel.
You can choose between 16 different lotus patterns for the tunnel, like "Mystical purple" and "Neon green".
Magic Lotus Journey Live WP v4.6
Travel through a 3D tunnel with mystical lotus patterns and shifting colors! This creates a trance inducing and hypnotizing effect, which makes the app very suitable for meditation or just relaxing, while riding through the tunnel. The 3D ride will accelerate and intensify and then slow down. Get on this mesmerizing 3D ride now! It might lead anywhere.
Magic Coin Demo v1.0
Magic coin is a cool app to impress your friends. Shake the phone to make the coin disappear from the phone screen and appear in your hand.
You have a lot of coins to choose like euros, dollars and pounds in the full version.
Just practice and make your friends drop their jaws in amazement.
Magic Coin v1.0
Magic coin is a cool app to impress your friends. Shake the phone to make the coin disappear from the phone screen and appear in your hand.
You have a lot of coins to choose like euros, dollars and pounds.
Just practice and make your friends drop their jaws in amazement.
Magic Clear v1.0.105
Do you want to play the clear game like as cube?Simple but fun clear game.Slide up and down, or slide around the horse's toys,make same three one together and be cleared
Magic Circle v1.0
This game is a simple game like magic cube. It contains four degrees, from easy to serious.
Magic Blocks v2.2
Do you like logic games and puzzles? Playing Magic Blocks you have to show your reaction and concentration.
Magi-Gift v1.1
Find the perfect gifts using astrology or science (it will fill like and magic ;)) .
Our unique gift adviser finds the gifts that fit the most to your friend, family and love ones!
MageRunner v1.5
Elvis's dream engulfs you with MAGIC and Monsters! Think, Apply and Conquer!
Mafia Hold'em Poker v1.0.4
Challenge the mafia in poker!