
Connexion utilisateur

TravelBook Boston TravelBook Boston v1.0

Travel Guide for Boston (USA)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

TravelBook Birmingham TravelBook Birmingham v1.0

Travel Guide for Birmingham (UK)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

TravelBook Dallas TravelBook Dallas v1.0

Travel Guide for Dallas (USA)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

TravelBook Crete TravelBook Crete v1.0

Travel Guide for Crete (Greece)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

TravelBook Bergen TravelBook Bergen v1.0

Travel Guide for Bergen (Norway)
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-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

TravelBook Barcelona TravelBook Barcelona v1.0

Travel Guide for Barcelona (Spain)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

TravelBook Beijing TravelBook Beijing v1.0

Travel Guide for Beijing (China)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

TravelBook Bangalore TravelBook Bangalore v1.0

Travel Guide for Bangalore (India)
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-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

TravelBook Amsterdam TravelBook Amsterdam v1.0

Travel Guide for Amsterdam (Netherlands)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

TravelBook Athens TravelBook Athens v1.0

Travel Guide for Athens (Greece)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

TravelBook Abu Dhabi TravelBook Abu Dhabi v1.0

Travel Guide for Abu Dhabi (UAE)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

TravelBook Hamburg TravelBook Hamburg v1.0

Travel Guide for Hamburg (Germany)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

TravelBook Paris TravelBook Paris v1.0

Travel Guide for Paris (France)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

TravelBook London TravelBook London v1.0

Travel Guide for London (UK)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

Buddhism Buddhism v1.0.2

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Covers all the bases to get you started with Buddhism and keep you on track.

Where R U ? Where R U ? v3.190

"Where R U" is a mobile app that lets you know where your loved ones are without using GPS.

You have a small widget on your home screen for each person that you care about. At a glance you know where they are. All the time. It updates itself automatically.

You have your own widget of yourself, where you are, on the home screen too. With one press of your finger you can choose from over 30 different locations so that your followers know where you are.

ComboTouch ComboTouch v1.26

ComboTouch is a game based on your reflexes, repeat the color list in the good order as fast as you can with your fingers !
Bored of playing Angry Birds or Fruit Ninja ? You like Guitar Hero but you think that it's too long or it lacks randomness ? Try ComboTouch !
Be careful, this game can be addictive :]

Challenge your opponents online through Scoreloop scoreboards!


WPSPIN. WPS PIN Wireless Auditor. (Ad-Free)

Default PIN generator for routers with WPS active, invoking WiFi settings. WPA command-line client generator to allow interact with wpa_supplicant through wpa_cli. Instruction execution generator for Bully, Reaver and Reavermod programs, and allows the direct implementation in the bcmon application or Terminal application. LookUp/Dial LookUp/Dial v1.3

InterNickname(.com) is a fun new way to make friends and remember how to contact each other, a website + android app. It also gives you the power to DIAL a friends nickname or find out their current email address. People can now pick up any android smartphone to easily contact each other no matter how much time passed; in short, it is an extremely simplified, yet more private, mobile "facebook". Everyone should have an internet nickname - but how long will it take everyone to make that happen?

VPHO VPHO v1.8.5

VPHO - Phone & Video Calls

VPHO is a fully featured application that lets you make FREE phone calls, videocalls and videoconferences. You can also send free text messages, audio messages, photos, video messages and files to other users that have VPHO installed. VPHO comes with a unique and friendly user interface and can be used with both 3G or Wi-Fi.
VPHO – Brings all of your telecom needs together into one, easy to use, FREE application.