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Мой Dao Мой Dao v1.2

Дао дэ дзин - трактат содержащий суть учения Лао-цзы.
Лао-цзы - основоположенник даосизма живший в Китае вIV-V вв. до н.э.

بيزات بيزات v1.3

Now you can browse and post ads in all Arabic countries via Bezaat Android

❤Cute Mirror❤ ❤Cute Mirror❤ v1.11

Have you been walking around all day with spinach in your teeth... or gum in your hair? Have people been staring or laughing at you and you had no idea why? Has your boyfriend stood you up for another girl?
Well today is your lucky day, because the Cutest Mirror Ever is here for you!

地铁行 地铁行 v1.0

地铁站点、周边地铁站点和地铁线路信息查询。该系统采用多种定位方式,结合Google Map定位显示周边站点,利用GPS纠偏

我 Dao 我 Dao v1.2

Tao Te Ching - the treatise containing an essence of doctrine Lao-tszy.
Lao-tszy - laid the foundation of Taoism living in China IV-V centuries BC

日本の新聞 日本の新聞 v1.3.2

オンライン主要な日本の新聞、ニュースサイトを読んでください。あなたは読売新聞, 朝日新聞, 毎日新聞, 産経新聞, 日本経済新聞, Google News Japan, Japan Times, Japan Today, Modern Tokyo Times...

烹饪天堂 烹饪天堂 v6.0

##Free for only one week!!##(from 13th, June~19th, June,2011)
The best Chinese cooking teaching application is now available now! This recipe has more than 8 cooking categories, like “pop”, “traditional”, “baking”, “boiling”, “dessert”and “nutrition”. And all the categories havge their sub-categories, which will help people to find their most interested dish. Why hesitate? Go and make an authantic traditional Chinese food for your beloved!

香港報紙 香港報紙 v1.3.1


신문 신문 v1.3.1

읽기 주요 한국 신문, 잡지, 뉴스 사이트 온라인. 당신은, 조선 일보, 청와대, 동아 일보, 디지털 한라일보, 한겨레, 한국 일보, 한국 경제, 중앙 일보, 경향 신문, 문화 체육 관광부 뉴스, 다음, 매일 경제신문, 머니 투데이, 중앙 일보, 네이트에서 뉴스를 찾을 수 있습니다 네이버, 뉴스 앤조이,