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Psychology and Achievement Psychology and Achievement v1.0

As a working unit you are a kind of one-man business corporation made up of two departments, the mental and the physical.

Supreme Personality Supreme Personality v1.0

Life is self-realization. Every birth is divine. We are born anew every morning. My wish is that you may catch the gleam, be freed from limitations and enter upon your boundless possibilities.

An Iron Will An Iron Will v1.0

The education of the will is the object of our existence, says Emerson.

Acres of Diamonds: Our Every-day Opportunities Acres of Diamonds: Our Every-day Opportunities v1.0

THOUGH Russell H. Conwell's Acres of Diamonds have been spread all over the United States, time and care have made them more valuable.

How to Find Your Real Self How to Find Your Real Self v1.0

Mildred Mann was a bestselling author and teacher of the New Thought Movement.

How To Turn Your Ability Into Cash How To Turn Your Ability Into Cash v1.0

Written by bestselling author, Earl Prevette, How To Turn Your Ability Into Cash is an instructional manual for regulating pessimistic thought patterns, maximizing your potential and achieving your dreams.

Influence: How to Exert It Influence: How to Exert It v1.0

Yoritomo-Tashi, whose precepts are presented in this book, ranks as one of the three greatest statesmen that Japan has ever produced.

Scientific Advertising Scientific Advertising v1.0

The time has come when advertising has in some hands reached the status of a science.

The Prophet The Prophet v1.0

A prophet has is about to board a ship home after 12 years in exile, when he is stopped by a group of people.

Thoughts are Things Thoughts are Things v1.0

Prentice Mulford helped to found the New Thought movement, his book Thoughts are Things becoming a guiding light to this new way of seeing the world.

The Ideal Made Real: Or Applied Metaphysics for Beginners The Ideal Made Real: Or Applied Metaphysics for Beginners v1.0

The Ideal Made Real is written by the founding New Thought leader and teacher Christian D. Larson, who was a prolific author of metaphysical and self-help books.

The Mastery of Destiny The Mastery of Destiny v1.0

The Mastery of Destiny embodies New Thought writer James Allen's teachings that our thoughts can be used to increase our capabilities and to create our lives as we desire them to be.

The Power of Thought The Power of Thought v1.0

Henry Thomas Hamblin was one of the founding fathers of the New Thought Movement.

How to Speak and Write Correctly How to Speak and Write Correctly v1.0

In the preparation of this little work the writer has kept one end in view, viz.

Celtic Fairy Tales Celtic Fairy Tales v1.0

The success of a fairy book, I am convinced, depends on the due admixture of the comic and the romantic: Grimm and Asbjörnsen knew this secret, and they alone.

English Fairy Tales English Fairy Tales v1.0

We have called our stories Fairy Tales though few of them speak of fairies (For some recent views on fairies and tales about fairies, see Notes.)

The Theory of Social Revolutions The Theory of Social Revolutions v1.0

In America, in 1770, a well-defined aristocracy held control.

Indian Fairy Tales Indian Fairy Tales v1.0

Soils and national characters differ; but fairy tales are the same in plot and incidents, if not in treatment.

The History of Napoleon Buonaparte The History of Napoleon Buonaparte v1.0

Nations yet to come will look back upon his history as to some grand and supernatural romance.

Two Years Before the Mast: A Personal Narrative of Life at Sea Two Years Before the Mast: A Personal Narrative of Life at Sea v1.0

Two years before the mast were but an episode in the life of Richard Henry Dana, Jr.