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3D Space Live Wallpaper 3D Space Live Wallpaper v1.70

3D Space Live Wallpaper HD is a live wallpaper which gives you the pleasure to make your own fun and beautiful space.

Ghost Cemetery Live Wallpaper Ghost Cemetery Live Wallpaper v1.20

Celebrate the season with this haunted cemetery, ghosts, owls and spirits!. Supports both portrait and landscape mode. It is perfect for Halloween and other thematic celebrations.

Galaxy Journey Live Wallpaper Galaxy Journey Live Wallpaper v6.2

Take a journey through a spiral galaxy in 3D! You will travel through the endless star fields of a majestic spiral galaxy. 2 DIFFERENT FLIGHTS ARE INCLUDED, SO IT IS LIKE GETTING 2 LIVE WALLPAPERS IN 1! You can choose between "Warp drive journey" and "Merkaba generator journey". Some of the UFO's, which visit our planet are using Merkaba generators to power their space crafts.

Interstellar Flight Live wallpaper Interstellar Flight Live wallpaper v4.6

Travel through the starfields, nebulas, supernovas and galaxies of the cosmos! This is both a 3D music visualizer and a Live wallpaper, which displays over 20 colorful nebulas. The app looks totally different with music, because the sound is visualized in lots of colors through the stars and nebulas.


The "Radio wave flight" option simulates how the stars would appear if you could see radio wave colors.

Morphing Tunnels Live wallpaper Morphing Tunnels Live wallpaper v1.52

Travel through 3D tunnels with morphing walls and shifting colors! This is a Music Visualizer & Live Wallpaper with a trance inducing effect, which can be used as a hypnosis tool. 30 tunnels are included for you to explore.

You will start a with a mix of all of the tunnels. After that, move on and watch "Fractal spiral tunnel", "Shaman's tunnel", "Tunnel between the Sphinx and the pyramids" and all of the 30 tunnels!

Watch this music visualizer on your TV with Chromecast!