
Connexion utilisateur

YoChord A1.5 YoChord A1.5 v1.0

Dictionary of guitar chords. 3 positions by chord, up to 5 chords simultaneously. Version for Android 1.5

TravelBook Istanbul TravelBook Istanbul v1.0

Travel Guide for Istanbul (Turkey)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

TravelBook Frankfurt TravelBook Frankfurt v1.0

Travel Guide for Frankfurt (Germany)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

TravelBook Dublin TravelBook Dublin v1.0

Travel Guide for Dublin (Ireland)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

YoChord+ YoChord+ v1.1

Dictionary of guitar chords. 3 positions by chord, up to 5 chords simultaneously.

YoChord YoChord v1.3

Dictionary of guitar chords. 3 positions by chord, up to 5 chords simultaneously.

TravelBook Chicago TravelBook Chicago v1.0

Travel Guide for Chicago (USA)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

TravelBook Buenos Aires TravelBook Buenos Aires v1.0

Travel Guide for Buenos Aires (Argentina)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

TravelBook Cape Town TravelBook Cape Town v1.0

Travel Guide for Cape Town (South Africa)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

TravelBook Luxembourg TravelBook Luxembourg v1.0

Travel Guide for Luxembourg (Luxembourg)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

Voice SMS Voice SMS v1.0

Use Voice SMS to record and send voice message via SMS (text). Designed to be very easy to use.

3 touches are enough to send a message. Use it when inconvenient to type. Use voice to express what text cannot.

Recipient will receive a normal SMS embedded with the URL where your voice message can be streamed and played.

Sudoku Bomb Sudoku Bomb v1.1.4

eClassic mode- - Creative gameplayCreative gameplay- - Nice interfaceNice interfaceTry it and youwill enjoy the fun from this gameTry it and you will enjoy the fun from this game!! Enjoy the special sudoku game with time limit from GoodTeam !

TravelBook Tokyo TravelBook Tokyo v1.0

Travel Guide for Tokyo (Japan)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

TravelBook Vienna TravelBook Vienna v1.0

Travel Guide for Vienna (Austria)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

TravelBook Budapest TravelBook Budapest v1.0

Travel Guide for Budapest (Hungary)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

TravelBook Rome TravelBook Rome v1.0

Travel Guide for Rome (Italy)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

TravelBook Bucharest TravelBook Bucharest v1.0

Travel Guide for Bucharest (Romania)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

TravelBook Brussels TravelBook Brussels v1.0

Travel Guide for Brussels (Belgium)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs

Snake Adventure Snake Adventure v1.0.9

Would like to become a crazy snake to eat as much as possible?
Yeah, then try me!

CheckBalance CheckBalance v2.3

CheckBalance is a simple app that allows you to store your carrier service numbers more used(web traffic, calls, etc). The USSD number to check the balance is already stored by default. You can add more USSD numbers using the settings screen.

You can add a quick view app shortcut to your home!

You can always send me your feedback to improve the app.