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MobileVoip MobileVoip v2.82

MobileVoip lets you make (free!) VoIP calls. Save on your mobile phone costs easily.

Mixit Mixit v1.1.1

Excellent, brain teasing puzzle game based on color mixing theory.

MineSweeper with Multi-level MineSweeper with Multi-level v1.4.3

MineSweeper with Multi-Level

The goal of the mine game is to disclose all the unite which are not mine in the minefield of the unit, but not stepping on a mine. If you dug the mine, you will lose the game.

Mind Illusion Mind Illusion v1.1

The Mind Illusion is able to guess symbols right out of the mind of the player.

mEvolve trial mEvolve trial vmEvolve trial 2.0

mEvolve. An experiment in music. Connect online to download songs from the mEvolve server and submit ratings. The server will use the ratings and develop new, better songs through evolutionary algorithms.

Also, create your own music through simple controls and random processes. You own the rights to all the music created by mEvolve on your Android device.

mEvolve mEvolve vmEvolve 2.0

Full version. mEvolve is an experiment in music. Connect to online to download randomly created songs and submit ratings. The mEvolve server uses your ratings and creates better songs through evolutionary algorithms.

Also, create random music through simple controls and random processes. You own the rights to all the music created by mEvolve on your Android device.

Mega Win Slot Mega Win Slot v1.0

Best Slot Machine with Free Spins and Free Credits Every Day!

Medical Medical v2.1.9

Merriam-Webster's Medical Dictionary is a concise guide to the essential language of medicine with more than 39,000 entries.


•English audio pronunciations
•Search words by voice
•Look up translations from the home screen
•Learning tools: Word of the day, Flash Cards
•List of similar words
•Translate words from any grammatical form

Mayas & Aliens Mayas & Aliens v1.4

Lead your team to victory and earn the ticket to a distant and safe planet! Get more support from other Mayan warriors or alien fighters and use their technology! Have fun in a fascinating world of the Mayas and Aliens. Now available for your Android smartphone and tablet!

Mass Market Mass Market v2.1.9

The Merriam-Webster Dictionary is the best-selling language reference covering the core vocabulary of everyday life (75,000 definitions).

•English audio pronunciations
•Search words by voice
•Look up translations from the home screen
•Learning tools: Word of the day, Flash Cards
•List of similar words
•Translate words from any grammatical form

MapDroyd MapDroyd v1.1.6

MapDroyd features world-wide off-line maps powered by OpenStreetMap data. Experience true unplugged vector maps avoiding expensive network connections.

mahjong push mahjong push v1.0.1

it's an innovative mahjong match game

Magzter Magzter v3.19

Magzter, the world’s fastest growing digital magazine store now introduces BOOKS! We are now "Magzter – Magazine & Book Store".

Magzter is everything you ever wanted from digital reading.

Magzter 3.0 series of updates bring a completely stylized and stable app with a host of new features.

Lulz Pics Lulz Pics v2.0

Get the best funny images in one app.

LoonaPix Photo Effects LoonaPix Photo Effects v1.2.1

LoonaPix Effects is a photo editor, that is free and very easy to use.
You just need to select photo effect, choose photo and that's all!
All magic is made by LoonaPix and you get funny photo in seconds.
Then you can easy share your creations with friends using favorite widgets.

More than 200 photo effects for now.
Billboards, graffity, magazines, sketchs and many other templates.
New effects are added every week and will automatically appear in your device.

Loco Bingo Loco Bingo v1.7.20

The classical Bingo game now in your Android device. Call prizes after prizes!

Live Launcher Live Launcher v1.4.01.40

simple-to-use FREE Launcher with gorgeous custom 3D effects

LIFE LIFE v1.0.2

Ultimate Free Messaging App
Free messaging app - Get now and enjoy at once
LIFE - A free messaging apps that gives you fun right after download.

Launch Screen Organizer (Trial) Launch Screen Organizer (Trial) v1.0.2


Organize your home screens using your computer!

1. Launch - the desktop component
2. Load – home screens from your device
3. Organize – using drag and drop on your computer (add apps too!)
4. Apply – the changes you’ve made to your device. (FULL version only)
5. Enjoy!

Feedback wanted - details @

Note that this is a trial version that cannot apply changes to your device. Full version coming very soon.

Kutekall Kutekall v0.95

You Make Free Peer - to - Peer: Voice Calls, Video Calls, Text Chat, Offline-Messaging, All types of Files Transfer up to 2 GB size, from anywhere with anyone, who is using KUTEKALL