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Awful Gestures Awful Gestures v1.0

Wallace Stevens' torrid words serve as both epigraph and incantation for Adrienne Weiss's powerful debut collection.

Cupboard Love: A Dictionary of Culinary Curiosities Second Revised Edition Cupboard Love: A Dictionary of Culinary Curiosities Second Revised Edition v2.0

Nominated in 1997 for a Julia Child Award, Cupboard Love is back, bigger and better than ever.

Consider Her Ways Consider Her Ways v1.0

An amateur scientist encounters a group of travelling South American ants.

Healing with Qualities: The Essence of Time Therapy Healing with Qualities: The Essence of Time Therapy v1.0

Dealing with wounds from the past, recalling your childhood memories and unearthing hidden secrets?

The Shimmering World: Living Meditation The Shimmering World: Living Meditation v1.0

In the face of the vastness, the magic, the unknown quality of life.

The Way IT Is: Realizing the Truth About Everything The Way IT Is: Realizing the Truth About Everything v1.0

The Way IT Is is a very playful inquiry into the fundamental nature of reality.

Painting Trees Painting Trees v1.0

With quiet surety, Naomi Myles cultivates a contemplative wordscape.

GRE Droid Pro GRE Droid Pro v3.6

Ultimate SAT / GRE Trainer for ANDROID 1.6+. Works great for GRE SAT LSAT GMAT MCAT ACT TOEFL GED IELTS plus more! Pro Version unlocks capacity limit and comes with a 6,000 Predefined Word List!

Import your own multi-language (UTF-8) word list, Text-To-Speech (TTS) flash cards, adaptive MC quiz and weighting system

The Human Aura: Astral Colors and Thought Forms The Human Aura: Astral Colors and Thought Forms v1.0

The dictionaries define the word aura as: Any subtle, invisible emanation or exhalation.

How to Tell Stories to Children: And Some Stories to Tell How to Tell Stories to Children: And Some Stories to Tell v1.0

The great difference between telling and reading is that the teller is free; the reader is bound.

Beethoven, as Revealed in His Own Words: The Man and the Artist Beethoven, as Revealed in His Own Words: The Man and the Artist v1.0

The following book consists of brief biographical commentaries about Beethoven, each followed by sections of quotations attributed to the muse.

Long-time Voice Recorder Long-time Voice Recorder v1.0

Long-time Voice Recorder is an Android App for long-time audio recording. Records can be saved in SD Card or SkyDrive. Records are password protected.

Your Word is Your Wand: A Sequel to the Game of Life and How to Play It Your Word is Your Wand: A Sequel to the Game of Life and How to Play It v1.0

Man's word is his wand filled with magic and power!Jesus Christ emphasized the power of the word.

How to Get on in the World: A Ladder to Practical Success How to Get on in the World: A Ladder to Practical Success v1.0

It has been said that Nothing Succeeds Like Success. What is Success?

The Law and the Word The Law and the Word v1.0

If I were asked what, in my opinion, distinguishes the thought of the present day.

Laughter: An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic Laughter: An Essay on the Meaning of the Comic v1.0

What does laughter mean? What is the basal element in the laughable?

The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam v1.0

Edward FitzGerald gave the title The Rubaiyat of Omar Khayyam to his translation of poetry attributed to the Persian poet, astronomer and mathematician Omar Khayyam (1048-1123).

Freedom of the Will Freedom of the Will v1.0

IT may possibly be thought, that there is no great need of going about to define or describe the Will.

Learn Irish Learn Irish v5.4

An easy way to learn the basics of the Irish Language (Gaelic/Gaeilge). This app gives you the chance to learn the numbers, days, months, colors, verb basics (present tense), common phrases, question words, Halloween related phrases and Christmas related phrases as *Gaeilge with the Irish spelling, phonetic spelling and audio of the pronunciation.

*Munster Dialect

The Fun of Getting Thin: How To Be Happy and Reduce the Waist Line The Fun of Getting Thin: How To Be Happy and Reduce the Waist Line v1.0

The theory of taking off fat is the simplest theory in the world.