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The Consolation of Philosophy The Consolation of Philosophy v1.0

The book called 'The Consolation of Philosophy' was throughout the Middle Ages, and down to the beginnings of the modern epoch in the sixteenth century, the scholar's familiar companion.

Certain Success Certain Success v1.0

There are particular characteristics one can have, and particular things one can do, that will make failure in life certain.

Clairvoyance and Occult Powers Clairvoyance and Occult Powers v1.0

There is in every human being a sense which is not generally recognized as such, although nearly every person has had more or less experience regarding its workings.

Four Arthurian Romances Four Arthurian Romances v1.0

Chrétien de Troyes' Four Arthurian Romances continued and expanded on existing Arthurian legends, but began the Arthurian Romance genre, so popular in Medieval literature.

Myths and Legends of China Myths and Legends of China v1.0

From the author: My aim, after summarizing the sociology of the Chinese as a prerequisite to the understanding of their ideas and sentiments, and dealing as fully as possible, consistently with limitations of space.

I Am an Artist I Am an Artist v2.0

An artist describes finding natural beauty in the world around us.

Slaughterhouse Five Slaughterhouse Five v2.0

Unstuck in time, the hero of Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse Five.

The Sirens of Titan The Sirens of Titan v2.0

The Sirens of Titan was perhaps the novel that began the Vonnegut phenomenon with readers.

How to Use Your Mind: A Psychology of Study How to Use Your Mind: A Psychology of Study v1.0

Educational leaders are seeing with increasing clearness the necessity of teaching students.

Ragged Dick: Street Life in New York with the Boot-Blacks Ragged Dick: Street Life in New York with the Boot-Blacks v1.0

Ragged Dick was contributed as a serial story to the pages of the Schoolmate.

The Human Aura: Astral Colors and Thought Forms The Human Aura: Astral Colors and Thought Forms v1.0

The dictionaries define the word aura as: Any subtle, invisible emanation or exhalation.

The Awakening: And Selected Short Stories The Awakening: And Selected Short Stories v1.0

The Awakening (1899) appears in this collection of short stories.

The Life of Reason: The Phases of Human Progress The Life of Reason: The Phases of Human Progress v1.0

Philosopher George Santayana published The Life of Reason in five volumes between 1905 and 1906.

The Human Machine The Human Machine v1.0

Considering that we have to spend the whole of our lives in this human machine.

Literary Taste: How to Form It Literary Taste: How to Form It v1.0

The aim of literary study is not to amuse the hours of leisure.

Mental Efficiency Mental Efficiency v1.0

The mind can only be conquered by regular meditation, by deciding beforehand.

The Attributes of God The Attributes of God v1.0

The foundation of all true knowledge of God must be a clear mental apprehension.

The Silence: What It Is and How to Use It The Silence: What It Is and How to Use It v1.0

Wrong thinking produces inharmony in our body, which in turn produces sickness.

The Philosophy of Style The Philosophy of Style v1.0

Herbert Spencer was an English philosopher and prominent social theorist of the Victorian era.

Essays on Education and Kindred Subjects Essays on Education and Kindred Subjects v1.0

Herbert Spencer was an English philosopher, prominent classical liberal political theorist.