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The Secret Of Success The Secret Of Success v1.0

In this little work we have endeavored to call your attention to something of far greater importance than a mere code of rules and general advice.

The Secret Door to Success The Secret Door to Success v1.0

A successful man is always asked - What is the secret of your success? People never ask a man who is a failure, What is the secret of your failure?

The Power of Mental Imagery The Power of Mental Imagery v1.0

Imagination relates either to the past, the present or the future. On the one hand, it is the outright re-imagery in the mind's eye of past experiences.

The Path of Prosperity The Path of Prosperity v1.0

I looked around upon the world, and saw that it was shadowed by sorrow and scorched by the fierce fires of suffering. And I looked for the cause.

The Power of Concentration The Power of Concentration v1.0

We all know that in order to accomplish a certain thing we must concentrate. It is of the utmost value to learn how to concentrate.

The Mystic Will: A Method of Developing and Strengthening the Faculties of the Mind, through the Awakened Will, by a Simple, Scientific Process Possible to Any Person of Ordinary Intelligence The Mystic Will: A Method of Developing and Strengthening the Faculties of the Mind, through the Awakened Will, by a Simple, Scientific Process Possible to Any Person of Ordinary Intelligence v1.0

It is a truth that there is very often an extremely easy, simple and prosaic way to attain many an end, which has always been supposed to require stupendous efforts.

Initiative Psychic Energy Initiative Psychic Energy v1.0

Are you an unusually persevering and persistent person? Or, like most of us, do you sometimes find it difficult to stick to the job until it is done?

The Art of Money Getting: Golden Rules for Making Money The Art of Money Getting: Golden Rules for Making Money v1.0

Those who really desire to attain an independence, have only to set their minds upon it, and adopt the proper means.

The Art and Science of Personal Magnetism The Art and Science of Personal Magnetism v1.0

It is a strange and almost amusing fact that there should be at the same time, on the part of the general public, such a general acceptance of the existence of personal magnetism.

Creative Mind And Success Creative Mind And Success v1.0

Man is just what he thinks himself to be; he is big in capacity if he thinks big thoughts; he is small if he thinks small thoughts.

Practical Mental Influence Practical Mental Influence v1.0

Students of history find a continuous chain of reference to the mysterious influence of one human mind over that of others.

Thought Force In Business and Everyday Life Thought Force In Business and Everyday Life v1.0

To the minds of most people, the term Personal Magnetism conveys the idea of a current radiating from the person of the magnetic individual, drawing to him all those within the radius of his magnetic force.

Thought Vibration: Or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World Thought Vibration: Or the Law of Attraction in the Thought World v1.0

THE Universe is governed by Law - one great Law. Its manifestations are multiform, but viewed from the Ultimate there is but one Law.

Ambling BookPlayer Pro Ambling BookPlayer Pro v2.13

The premium player for listening to your audio books. Download thousands of free classic audiobooks from or listen to books on your SD card.

Supports multiple skins, chapter based navigation with full chapter titles, seamless and automatic audio file and series handling, quick jump navigation buttons, Bluetooth controls, a premium sleep timer, and automatic play history tracking with undo and redo.