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Wild Thing Wild Thing v1.0

When Eddie receives an early morning call for help, he catches the next plane to Britain.

White Pawn on Red Square White Pawn on Red Square v1.0

At the height of the Cold War a Russian girl plots to steal the mummified body of Lenin.

War and Peace War and Peace v1.0

Napoleon's turbulent history with Russia including his doomed 1812 invasion provides the setting.

Waking Caliban Waking Caliban v1.0

A 400-year-old puzzle, a modern-day hunt to the death.

The Yoshinobu Mysteries: Volume 2 The Yoshinobu Mysteries: Volume 2 v1.0

The setting is mainly Elima, a composite of the Hawaiian Islands.

The Yoshinobu Mysteries: Volume 1, The First 4 Novels The Yoshinobu Mysteries: Volume 1, The First 4 Novels v1.0

Elima?imaginary Elima. It is one of the Neighbor Islands.

The Saga of Rifka and Herschel The Saga of Rifka and Herschel v1.0

The Saga of Rifka and Herschel begins in South Africa where Herschel Haverman joins the Frankel family.

The Red River Ring The Red River Ring v1.0

An Old West adventure set in the rugged Palo Duro Canyon of Texas.

The Last Word on Power The Last Word on Power v2.0

Today's leaders are reinventing everything but themselves.

The Inkling The Inkling v1.0

The Inkling by Fred Chappell is, says the New York Times, "A work of genuine talent…

The Evil That Men Do The Evil That Men Do v1.0

Dagny Taggart Jamison is a private investigator born on the day.

The Devil's Staircase The Devil's Staircase v1.0

Action, humor, and adventure rule as Ranger Black Jack Ransom accepts a special assignment.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: And Other Tales of the Jazz Age The Curious Case of Benjamin Button: And Other Tales of the Jazz Age v1.0

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button is a 1922 short story by F. Scott Fitzgerald.

The Bent Pyramid The Bent Pyramid v1.0

Ewan Chisholm, despised drunk albeit gifted Egyptologist, is ordered by his curator.

Tainted Tainted v1.0

In an affluent city perched on Ontarios Niagara Escarpment, residents begin turning up.

Starkey's Book of States Starkey's Book of States v1.0

Inspired by a children's geography primer, The Arrow Book of States, Starkey's Book of States was conceived in response as a contemporary poetic atlas.

Southern Exposure Southern Exposure v2.0

Southern Exposure is a fiction collection that throws lights and shadows on Canadians.

Skip the Resume - Get the Job Skip the Resume - Get the Job v1.0

Skip the Resume - Get the Job! takes you eighty percent of the way to a great new job.

Scott City Scott City v1.0

Scott City is the third of three historical novels depicting the life of fictional plains adventurer.

Saving the World Saving the World v1.0

Save the Cheerleader, Save the World.rdquo; With that immediately memorable mantra.