
User login

HelloTXTroid HelloTXTroid vHelloTXTroid v1.7.8 $Rev: 348 $

HelloTXTroid :lets update your status and read your friends' status across all main microblogging and social networks.Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, Flickr, Brightkite and more!

CuTewit CuTewit v2.5.4

Twitter client for Android

PixelPipe PixelPipe v1.0.4

Liberate your media with Pixelpipe and get your photos off of your Android powered device and out to your favorite social network, micro-blog, photo/video and blog services. With over 60 supported destinations from around the world to choose from the choice is really yours. Free your media and share your life.

Flickr, Facebook, MySpace, Picasa, twitter, blogger and many more

Textecution Textecution v1.4.1

Textecution completely disables texting (and optionally web, email, and IM) while driving. If the user is a passenger, they can request permission from a parent/admin phone number with the press of a button. All application settings can be protected with a parent password.

Twitli Twitli v1.80

Twitli 1.80.
Includes showing tweeps on a map, auto update your Twitter location, translation, etc.

Twitli is a lightweight Twitter client. To use Twitli you need an account at

- photo upload to Flickr or Google,
tweet the resulting link
- geolocation based on gps or network
- translation
- DM and @reply
- view friends timeline, @replies,
DMs or a user's timeline
- easy follow and unfollow
- supports Laconica