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Numbers and Letters Loading... Numbers and Letters Loading... v1.3

Learn your numbers and letters in French and in English!
Swipe left or right to go to the next screen and press the english or francais buttons to hear the english or french pronounciation of the number/letter.

Apprenez vos chiffres et vos lettres en francais et en anglais!
Glissez votre doigt a la gauche ou a la droite pour changer l'ecran.
Appuyez sur "Francais" ou "English" pour entendre la prononciation du chiffre ou de la lettre.

All about Android All about Android v1.0

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1. Dont forget to share the app with your fellow android lovers, using the share icon near title
2. As you browse through the app, press back once to stop loading, press back again to main menu.

Project Gutenberg Project Gutenberg v0.7.1304.56119

Project Gutenberg is the place where you can download over 33,000 free ebooks to read on your Android or other device.

Google news Google news v1.2.2s

This application is intended to ease the access to the Google News regional editions.
Based on the current language set in the phone and the coarse position of the user, the application tries to find out the best regional edition for the user.

Droid Spies Droid Spies v1.03

Find out what your android phone can really do at
we have complete Rooting Guides, Application reviews, News and much more
Stay up to date with the latest and greatest information.
Optimized for your phone visit us on your computer too
expect frequent updates for a full featured experience similar to tapatalk

Learn Arabic (Text and Audio) Learn Arabic (Text and Audio) v1.4

An initial Arabic learaning Guide

★ With text & audio

★ The Guide includes 5 catagories which are:
✓ Arabic Alphabets
✓ Numbers in Arabic
✓ Arabic Vocabulary
✓ Short Lesson 1: short phrases with word used "Haza" means "This is"
✓ Short Lesson 2: short phrases with word used "Zalika" means "That is"

Music Theory Lessons FREE Music Theory Lessons FREE v1.2.2

Learn Music Theory on the go. You can study everywhere and anywhere with this electronic music theory for mobile.

TestOpos Inglés TestOpos Inglés v1.0.1

La app gratuita definitiva para repasar el temario de ingles.

ABC ABC v1.0

With ABC your child will have fun learning letters and words,simple drag and drop concept. Application is in English, Croatian and Serbian language.

StudyMaster - GermanVocab StudyMaster - GermanVocab v4.0

Study German vocab with this easy-to-use quiz app with over 600 words & phrases

Sky Map Sky Map v1.9.7.08

A very simple overview of the north and south sky hemisphere map with the Constellation and approximate graphical position of the planets and of The Sun and of The Moon.

Quick Math Trainer Quick Math Trainer v1.4

Quick Math Trainer is an app that can help you train your brain to become a better mathematician.

QPython QPython v0.

QPython is a script engine running on android devices like phone or tablet, It embeds the Python interpreter, console, editor, SL4A Library for Android, which can make your android device run Python script or project. It is the Python on Android.
In addition, It offer the develop kit which can let you develop Python project on your android device easily.

123Numbers 123Numbers v2.1

123 Numbers - an interactive game to learn numbers for babies and toddlers.

Math to the Rescue (Lite) Math to the Rescue (Lite) v1.0.3

An educational game in which kids practice addition and subtraction while rescuing people.

mobileGRIB light mobileGRIB light v1.2

GRIB weather forecast for Android. mobileGRIB light is a fully functional version with outdated GRIB files. To receive actual GRIB forecasts, please purchase the full version.

The Sleeping Beauty The Sleeping Beauty v1.0

Classic fairy tale of a princess who was cursed to sleep until a charming prince gave her a kiss. This fun children book contains color artworks to illustrate the text. It's easy to scroll through the book and it remembers your last read position.

Share the joy of your childhood story with your kids on your Android phone. You can quickly create a healthy bond with your toddler by reading this classic tale during bedtime stories. v1.4 es un espacio abierto que nace de la necesidad de compartir recursos y experiencias entre los docentes de educación musical, siéntete libre de participar y compartir en la medida de tus posibilidades.

ChicooSticker ChicooSticker v1.5

■ A fun way for kids to learn [ Basic Words ]
■ This app is educational Sticker books for kids.
We have a lot of wonderful images.
■ This app is now optimized for both phones and tablets.

Kids Numbers Kids Numbers v1.0

A fun way for kids to learn numbers and build basic math idea.
Kids learning numbers with background phone camera...!

■ Learn Basic Numbers
■ Educational Game - Count Numbers
■ Find a Largest Number - Balloon pang pang!
■ Bubble Pang! - Find a smallest number!