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Victor' cold! Victor' cold! v2.9.0

♥ "Victor’s cold!" An artful blend of story and play for pre-primary school kids♥

Voodoo Planet Voodoo Planet v1.0

"From between the two shuffling dancers padded something on four feet. The canine-feline creature was more than just a head; it was a loose-limbed, graceful body fully eight feet in length, and the red eyes in the prick-eared head were those of a killer.... Words issued from between those curved fangs, words which Dane might not understand....

War and Peace War and Peace v3.0

War and Peace.
These books were acquired by the gutenberg project. These books can be copied and distributed at no cost. Please visit the gutenberg project for more free books.

Water Margin Water Margin v1.0.9

Water Margin

Water Margin (known in Chinese as Shuihu Zhuan, sometimes abbreviated to Shuihu), also known as Outlaws of the Marsh, All Men Are Brothers, Men of the Marshes, or The Marshes of Mount Liang, is one of the Four Great Classical Novels of Chinese literature.

Weird Facts Weird Facts v1.2

Tons of cool, weird, useless, odd & awesome fun facts at your finger tips!

Browse through them and learn something new each day.

Impress your friends with these tidbits of fun knowledge.

You can also SMS / Email these weird facts!

Save your favorite weird facts & review them later at your leisure!

Winnetou Winnetou v1.0

Download the Winnetou collection app and read your favorite books for free! Please note that these books are in German language.

Youth Problem and Solution I Youth Problem and Solution I v1.0

برنامج يهتم بمشاكل الشباب هذه الايام ويقوم بعرض عدة مشاكل وعدة حلول من منظور ديني
اتمنى الفائدة للجميع

Zo Reader Zo Reader v2.7.1

Comprehensive epub, mobi, umd, txt eBook reader with seamlessly integrated dictionary. Instant definition lookup by tabbing on a word without the need of internet access!

九鼎记 九鼎记 v1.2


修仙狂徒 修仙狂徒 v1.0


兽血沸腾 兽血沸腾 v1.0


凡人修仙传 凡人修仙传 v1.8



软件功能:1.自动连载 2.书签 3.繁体支持 4.备用服务器 5.全面支持ANDROID1.6以后版本 6.更多推荐

史记 史记 v1.0.1

The Records of the Grand Historian

The Records of the Grand Historian, also known by its Chinese name Shiji (Chinese: 史記; pinyin: Shǐjì; literally "Historical Records"), written from 109 to 91 BC, was the magnum opus of Sima Qian, in which he recounted Chinese history from the time of the Yellow Emperor until his own time. (The Yellow Emperor, traditionally dated around 2600 BC, is the first ruler whom Sima Qian considered sufficiently established as historical to appear in the Records.)

唐诗三百首 唐诗三百首 v1.0.5



天武邪神 天武邪神 v1.0

天玄大陆,一个以修炼元素之力为主的世界,凡是能够吸收元素之力淬炼自己肉身的战士称之为斗士! 在这个斗士横行,斗士独尊的世界里,一名身上没有半点元力却有着惊天武技的少年横空出世…… 天武邪神,武斗天下,万花追随,我心独明! 【斗士等级:黄级,玄级,地级,天级,神级】

安卓读书 andReader 安卓读书 andReader v1.8.16

★ 完美的功能组合,愉快的阅读体验
★ 经典、流行一应俱全,特有的网络书籍智能搜索
★ 零流量方案,节约宝贵流量

官神 官神 v1.0


异世药神 异世药神 v1.2


好评指数: 9.6 分 — 经典必读

软件功能:1.自动连载 2.书签 3.繁体支持 4.备用服务器 5.全面支持ANDROID1.6以后版本 6.更多推荐

很纯很暧昧 很纯很暧昧 v1.2

有一日,天神问我,要透视还是要重生?我毫不犹豫的回答我要透视…… 于是乎,杨明的美好生活开始了!考试、赌石、泡校花,顺便勾引一下美女老师……

软件功能:1.自动更新连载 2,智能书签 3.更多连载推荐 4.繁体支持 5.备用服务器

推背图光绪抄本 推背图光绪抄本 v1.0.7

Please be informed this application includes Ads SDK, which needs to create shortcuts permission.

推 背 图 光 绪 抄 本

推背图,传闻是一千三百多年前,初唐的司天监李淳风和袁天罡合著的,由唐开始一直预言到未来世界大同,当中共包括六十象,六十,代表著循环周而复始的意思。由于李淳风推算的上了瘾,一发不可收,竟推算到唐以后中国2000多年的命运,直到袁天罡推他的背,说道:“天机不可再泻, 还是回去休息吧!”,既是第60像所述,所以推背图因此得名。