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Necessary Evils Necessary Evils v1.0

In Necessary Evils, Hal, an L. A. cop driven to avenge the murder of his three partners, himself blindfolded.

Moments of Light Moments of Light v1.0

Moments of Light Foreward by Annie Dillard. These stories prove that the mythic powers of the balladeer.

Midnight Plays Midnight Plays v1.0

Midnight Plays anthologizes four plays from four different worlds of story-telling.

Land of Black Clay Land of Black Clay v1.0

Land of Black Clay takes place largely in the rural township of Sap?

Into The Light: The Photo League Years Into The Light: The Photo League Years v1.0

Into the Light: The Photo League Years is a collection of black-and-white photographs by Sonia Handelman Meyer.

In The Wink of an Eye In The Wink of an Eye v1.0

In The Wink of an Eye is a modern fable in the form of a novel. Or a romantic satire.

In the Open Wind In the Open Wind v1.0

What do we know? Read at will. Out of many winds, each poem has some clues and hints to a story.

Hitler Made Me a Jew Hitler Made Me a Jew v1.0

In the evening they took us to the railroad station.

From Hitler to Trujillo From Hitler to Trujillo v1.0

From Hitler to Trujillo is a memoir by a Holocaust survivor Alfredo Vorshirm.

Except Education Except Education v1.0

Except Education describes what really happens inside of American public high schools.

Dust Bunny Dust Bunny v1.0

Diane stabbed at the intercom switch near her and shouted, "Close hatches and launch!"

Chinese Business Etiquette and Culture Chinese Business Etiquette and Culture v1.0

This book introduces the basics of Chinese culture. You will discover how to initiate contact, what to expect in meetings, and how to behave there.

Bohanin's Last Days Bohanin's Last Days v1.0

As Captain L. J. Bohanin heads for California to enjoy his retirement from the 10th Cavalry he becomes immersed in a mystery.

Attack Butterfly Attack Butterfly v1.0

Attack Butterfly is the second in The Rust Bucket Universe series from Boson Books.

The Education of Henry Adams The Education of Henry Adams v1.0

The Education of Henry Adams is the autobiography of the Bostonian Henry Adams.

Myths and Legends of China Myths and Legends of China v1.0

From the author: My aim, after summarizing the sociology of the Chinese as a prerequisite to the understanding of their ideas and sentiments, and dealing as fully as possible, consistently with limitations of space.

Four Arthurian Romances Four Arthurian Romances v1.0

Chrétien de Troyes' Four Arthurian Romances continued and expanded on existing Arthurian legends, but began the Arthurian Romance genre, so popular in Medieval literature.

Psychology and Industrial Efficiency Psychology and Industrial Efficiency v1.0

Our aim is to sketch the outlines of a new science which is to intermediate between the modern laboratory psychology and the problems of economics: the psychological experiment is systematically to be placed at the service of commerce and industry.

Clairvoyance and Occult Powers Clairvoyance and Occult Powers v1.0

There is in every human being a sense which is not generally recognized as such, although nearly every person has had more or less experience regarding its workings.

Certain Success Certain Success v1.0

There are particular characteristics one can have, and particular things one can do, that will make failure in life certain.