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The Education of Henry Adams The Education of Henry Adams v1.0

The Education of Henry Adams is the autobiography of the Bostonian Henry Adams.

The Gaudy Place The Gaudy Place v1.0

Violence and sex in a small Southern city. Arkie, Clemmie, Oxie, and Johns are linked by a schoolboy.

The Great Doctrines of the Bible The Great Doctrines of the Bible v1.0

The demand for this book has come from the students in the class room who have listened to these lectures on the Great Doctrines of the Bible.

The Happy Child: Changing the Heart of Education The Happy Child: Changing the Heart of Education v1.0

In The Happy Child, Harrison proposes that our current system of education stifles a child's natural enthusiasm for learning.

The Higher Powers of Mind and Spirit The Higher Powers of Mind and Spirit v1.0

There are moments in the lives of all of us when we catch glimpses of a life - our life.

The History of Napoleon Buonaparte The History of Napoleon Buonaparte v1.0

Nations yet to come will look back upon his history as to some grand and supernatural romance.

The History of the Conquest of Peru The History of the Conquest of Peru v1.0

A recognized Latin American history masterpiece The History of the Conquest of Peru.

The Human Aura: Astral Colors and Thought Forms The Human Aura: Astral Colors and Thought Forms v1.0

The dictionaries define the word aura as: Any subtle, invisible emanation or exhalation.

The Human Machine The Human Machine v1.0

Considering that we have to spend the whole of our lives in this human machine.

The I.V. Lounge Reader The I.V. Lounge Reader v1.0

Collected short fiction and poetry from national award-winning writers.

The Ideal Made Real: Or Applied Metaphysics for Beginners The Ideal Made Real: Or Applied Metaphysics for Beginners v1.0

The Ideal Made Real is written by the founding New Thought leader and teacher Christian D. Larson, who was a prolific author of metaphysical and self-help books.

The Life of Reason: The Phases of Human Progress The Life of Reason: The Phases of Human Progress v1.0

Philosopher George Santayana published The Life of Reason in five volumes between 1905 and 1906.

The Long Drive Home The Long Drive Home v2.0

Gay middle-aged hit men, a pathological interior designer, an idiot savant child.

The Love of Uncertainty The Love of Uncertainty v1.0

In his international dialogs, Steven Harrison invites his audiences to deconstruct their belief.

The Man Who Predicts Earthquakes: Jim Berkland, Maverick Geologist--How His Quake Warnings Can Save Lives The Man Who Predicts Earthquakes: Jim Berkland, Maverick Geologist--How His Quake Warnings Can Save Lives v1.0

Could it be a sign that an earthquake is coming when a community has a sudden jump in missing pets?

The Mastery of Destiny The Mastery of Destiny v1.0

The Mastery of Destiny embodies New Thought writer James Allen's teachings that our thoughts can be used to increase our capabilities and to create our lives as we desire them to be.

The Mole Chronicles The Mole Chronicles v2.0

In the spirit of Susan Sontag's Illness as Metaphor or Jonathan Lethem's Fortress of Solitude.

The New Investment Frontier III: A Guide to Exchange Traded Funds for Canadians The New Investment Frontier III: A Guide to Exchange Traded Funds for Canadians v1.0

Exchange traded funds have been called the next generation of mutual funds.

The Patron Saint of Business Management The Patron Saint of Business Management v1.0

After decades of faddish management styles that emulate everything from samurai warriors to Napoleon.

The Pension Strategy for Canadians: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO PERSONAL INVESTING The Pension Strategy for Canadians: THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO PERSONAL INVESTING v1.0

The Pension Strategy for Canadians teaches, through the use of a simple disciplined process.