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Mspn India chat Mspn India chat v0.21.13263.67830

mspn is a indian social community with amezing factors like Free Song dedication by IVR, send free sms, create groups, invite peoples to join them, chat rooms, and many more social functions. it is very easy to use.
In registration process mobile number verification is required.

Eat Eat v2.0

EatOnline a smartphone app for smart users in Singapore or visiting Singapore.Browse trusted restaurants and order food.Enjoy 10% discounts on your first orders.Coming soon to other countries.

MagpyViewer MagpyViewer v3.2

Мониторинг Ваших детей и сотрудников.
Узнай, кто звонит твоей девушке (ребёнку, маме, другу...)
Удалённый контроль входящих и исходящих соединений телефона.

SMS Blocker Lite SMS Blocker Lite v1.9

With the SMS Blocker you will block all kinds of spammers and never receive a spam SMS in your inbox again. All the junk SMS messages are stored inside the app for reference. Pay once to have the convenience of blocking spam SMS with this SMS easy filter.

Safe Drive Safe Drive v1.7

With "Drive Safe" you can automatically:
✔ Send calls to voicemail and reply with a predefined SMS to their calls.
✔ Reply to all incoming text messages and let people know that you are driving and will respond shortly.
✔ Save those SMS for further reference.
all while driving and your phone is in a CAR DOCK (or charging in your car charger. The car dock should be a compatible car dock with your device).
You could also manually enable the feature under settings, if you lack a Car Dock.

Amazon Notifier Free Amazon Notifier Free v2.1

With the Free App Notifier for Amazon you will never again miss on a free app from the Amazon™ Appstore.

Amazon™ AppStore offers a paid app for free every day. How many times did you forget to download the giveaway, because you were too busy or simply forgot?Our app will save you hundreds of dollars by reminding you of the free app every day! We process the information on our servers, you only need to download 1KB a day!

Cracked Screen Free Cracked Screen Free v1.8.1

The Ultimate cracked screen prank. Just enable the app on your phone and give it to a friend to try and press around. Each press activates a new crack with unique sound and vibration.

TaskScheduler TaskScheduler v1.0

TaskScheduler helps you to schedule all kinds of tasks, such as turning off wifi/bluetooth/sound, start an app or send an SMS text message.

Love & Romance Quotes Love & Romance Quotes v1.0

Sometimes the heart wants to speak volumes when only a few, well chosen words are really necessary.Well, love quotes and sayings always come handy in such situations!Together, they speak not only to our heart, but the hearts of the ones we love. Like slings of arrows, they pour forth with wisdom, wit, affection and longing, always on target, unerring in their course, for the entire world to hear. Find the perfect love quotes here and let them speak for you.

Bear SMS Scheduler Pro Bear SMS Scheduler Pro v1.4.0

- Create Single or Multipart Messages that will delivered right on the time for your customers , friends , partners and lovers.
- Create Contacts Groups to easily shedule messages to a group of people
- Verify all the message status delivered by the scheduler.

Brain Teasers Brain Teasers v1.1

Best Brain Teasers at your fingertips! ★★★★★

Enjoy hours of intriguing, fun, cool, weird, strange, entertaining and awesome brain teasers in this app. You will find challenging riddles to solve, fun math tricks to ponder, and tricky word plays to quiz your friends!

This app is entirely FREE! So be sure to check it out!

You can easily email these awesome brain teasers! You can also SMS these cool brain teasers!

Save your favorite brain teasers!

Enjoy! ❤❤

Zen Quotes Zen Quotes v2.0.0

♥♥♥ One of the best hand-picked collections of Zen, Inspirational and Wisdom quotes for your Android phone! ♥♥♥

Feng Shui Feng Shui v2.0.0

Discover How Feng Shui Can Transform Your Life and Increase your Wealth!

GPS Widget Pro GPS Widget Pro v1.2.2

This widget simply shows your current location in numbers. Latitude and Longitude are received from the GPS location provider or from the network location provider if GPS is not available.

The altitude is queried from open MapQuest API which yields in a more accurate result than receiving the altitude by GPS. So this widget is also interesting for hiking (altimeter).

Love Quotes Love Quotes v1.1.2

Want to inspire your relationship and spark the romance? Love Quotes just might have the words you're looking for. This fun app contains hundreds of romantic love quotes from men and women from all walks of life.

You can put a romantic love quote in a love letter to your partner or send them a love quote via text message as a surprise during a tough day.

You can also save your favorite love quotes for easy and quick review later on, or share these love quotes via SMS or e-mail.

Love SMS Love SMS v1.0

With Love SMS you will be able to express your love in an original way. Love SMS will make your girlfriend, boyfriend, wife, husband never forget how much you care!

MissPush MissPush v1.1

MissPush is a simple application that forwards your missed calls and SMSs to your a 2nd android device like another phone or tablet. The app provides you with full information about who called you and when, including the contents of their SMS--right on your Android.

Where are you? Where are you? v1.1.5

Wanna find your friends?
Wanna share your location with friends?


AutoWishApp AutoWishApp v1.0

The Android application, "Automatic Wish Sender" enables the user to set a "Wish" to be sent to the recipient on a specific date. Like, if user sets a wish, "Wish you a very Happy Birthday" to be sent to the recipient 'Kelly" on 10th of May 2012. The application will send the wish to Kelly on the specified date automatically in the form of SMS.

Vocalive Beta Vocalive Beta v0.1

Learn new words every day with Vocalive!