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Practical Encyclopedia of Boating v8.0.250
“You name it, it’s in here. Covers every boating situation. This book is both informative and entertaining.” --Latitudes & Attitudes
Stedman's Medical Dictionary v8.0.250
Ever since its first edition, published in 1911, Stedman's Medical Dictionary has been a medical reference benchmark. This 28th Edition, featuring over 107,000 terms and definitions, has been thoroughly reviewed and updated to make it the most reliable resource available for healthcare specialists of all kinds. 45 prominent medical consultants have reviewed each dictionary entry in the areas of endocrinology, gastroenterology, geriatrics, and rheumatology.
The Clinician's Handbook of Natural Medicine v8.0.232
Written by leading authorities in complementary and integrative medicine, this convenient, quick-reference handbook provides clear and rational directives on diagnosing and treating specific diseases and disorders with natural medicine.
The Muscular System Manual v8.0.239
The Muscular System Manual by Dr. Joseph E. Muscolino makes the study of musculoskeletal anatomy easier and more engaging with a highly visual approach! This innovative, vibrantly illustrated atlas details the muscles and bones of the human body with unrivaled clarity and helps you build the strong anatomic understanding needed for success in practice.
Concise Oxford American Dictionary & Thesaurus v8.0.248
This dictionary bundle packs an extraordinary amount of information into a handy app that is practical, dependable, affordable, and easy to read. The bundle includes the Concise Oxford American Dictionary and the Concise Oxford American Thesaurus.
Easy Bible v1.0.2
Easy Bible—Let's Read the Bible Together and Share the Love of the Lord.
Phone 2 Location v6.38
Know location of Incoming or Outgoing phone calls or any phone number (at Country/State/City level).
It enables you to browse your PhoneBook Contacts sorted by their locations (at Country/State/City level).
Note: This application will not show the actual physical location(i.e/ GPS location) of the caller.
It will also display the time of last communication with that phone number.
It will also show Telephone Operator of the number initially assigned to.
New Oxford American Dictionary v9.1.284
As Oxford's flagship American dictionary, the New Oxford American Dictionary sets the standard of excellence for lexicography with the most comprehensive and accurate coverage of American English available.
Webster College Dictionary v9.1.284
Webster's New World College Dictionary combines the most up-to-date information about our language and our world to present a completely revised, updated and expanded reference.
TERCHOVÁ cyklo v5.3.3
MTB cyklotrasy v Terchovej a okolí pre tých, ktorí radi obdivujú krásy prírody zo sedla bicykla. Terchová ponúka veľa značených cyklotrás pre horské aj trekingové bicykle, ako i možnosti pre rodiny s deťmi. Cyklotrasy začínajú aj končia v obci Terchová.
momondo v7.5.0
Find, compare and book flights and hotels with momondo’s beautiful all-in-one travel app.
Search and compare billions of flight and hotel prices all over the world from wherever you are, faster than ever before. It’s free, easy, fun to use and you can save money and time when booking your next vacation or trip! So why pay more for the same when you can find the best here? momondo is independent and we’re dedicated to price transparency for all travelers!
50 оттенков Безумия v8
Сказав человеку «люблю», люби его пока ты не сдохнешь или закрой свой поганый рот!
Ненависть – это ещё более страстное чувство, чем ощущение пульсирующего неба в области сердца. И если человек разбудил этот спящий вулкан, он может быть уверен, что это сумасшествие запомнится надолго. Мы не поймём, как сильно были любимы, пока не разожжём в чьей-то груди эту ненасытную жажду. Жажду подчинять.
Обитель Лесной Ведьмы v4
Люди смеются в глаза Лесной Ведьме. Безобразное лицо. Корявые пальцы. Призрак, вселяющий ужас. Внешность обманчива... Легко ли разглядеть красоту в чудовище? Люди скажут, что это невозможно, а ты стань человеком и попробуй... Хрупкая душа под личиной урода. Она плачет, скрывая глаза от солнца. Пытаясь подарить свою любовь, которая никому не нужна. Потому что её блеска не видно глазами. Узнаёшь ли себя в зеркале глаз Лесной Ведьмы?
Хрустальное сердце v4
Некоторые люди похожи на деревья: они гниют изнутри, если их несколько раз не огреть топором. А тебе так нужна их поддержка, как вдох после комы.
- Как вы не понимаете?! - оправдывался никем не понятый романтик, - Ему тесно в груди. И теперь оно ждёт своего часа.
Этот мир и угнетал его, и притягивал одновременно. С людьми было ему тяжело, без них - невыносимо. Он хранил одинокое сердце в картонной упаковке и верил в чудо, которое для всех казалось невозможным. А что ему ещё оставалось?
OfficeSuite v10.1.16323
OfficeSuite lets you easily view, edit, and create Word, Excel, and PowerPoint documents, convert to/from PDF, and manage your files all with the most feature-rich mobile office solution available on Android.
Speak & Translate PRO v5.1.1.0
Unique voice translator with automatic language detection! Speak and translate, travel and talk! No restrictions + translation by Google!
Settings Scheduler v1.3
Settings Scheduler automates sound volume, wireless and other phone settings quickly and easily. Schedule various settings like Wi-Fi on/off, Bluetooth on/off, sound on/off, screen timeout (sleep) value from 30 seconds to 60 minutes. Automatically set screen brightness, media volume, alarm volume, system sound volume from 0-100%.
The scheduler allows you schedule by day (1-7), as well as week of month (1-6), or week of year (odd or even).
Kernerman Advanced English Dictionary v8.0.250
The Kernerman Advanced English Dictionary is a user-friendly dictionary designed to address the needs of both English-speakers and learners of English at upper-intermediate and advanced levels. All those who use English as a native or foreign language, whether high school and university students, professionals, or the general public, will find it a useful addition to their library.
SMS Encrypto v1
If you are in a business where secrecy is an issue, but, you need public cellphone text messaging, then this is the app for you!
Simply and quickly send encrypted messages, and only share the password with the recipient to decrypt and read.
New* Fake Message - Send a message to your inbox or sent folder. Convince somebody that you sent a message they never received, or, a message that they sent, but, they never did.. Make message any date and time.
SWardriving v1.2
SWardriving. Wi-Fi Wireless.
Wireless Wi-Fi Wardriving, Warbiking, Warwalking, Warjogging, Warrailing, Wartraining, BusWardriving ...
A simple application for Wardriving anywhere in the world. Do not let it escape the location of any Wireless Wi-Fi network.
Una aplicación sencilla para Wardriving en cualquier parte del mundo. Que no se te escape la localización de ninguna Red Wireless Wi-Fi.