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sam download.

I origianly download sam from a link in an G1 application forum. I just recently found this website and decided to download sam from here. It said it would uninstal the previous version. So I clicked ok. Then the instal failed. I can not get it to download now. Is there any way I can get a link to the previous version installer?

download slideme application for g1

Ok, here is a suggestion. You want this site to be a success. Try replying to peoples posts. If the general user comes here and asks a question. They generally will not return if no one answers them. If you do not have moderators to answer them, then get at least one person who can do it. There are other sites being developed that are simalar to this one. This is a nice site. Don't let it die because of lack of communication between site leaders and the general user.


Paul Anglemyer
T-Mobile Retail Store Manager
Proud owner of T-Mobile G1

Hi Paul, There is a bug in

Hi Paul,

There is a bug in Android causing this behavior:

You can fix by clicking on the following link in the browser: This is the original SAM version. After install, delete the application. Then download and install the new application at .

In regards to communication, we did a soft launch targeted just toward the developer community, not expecting so many general users to find out about us so soon, leaving us little time to ramp up.
