Connexion utilisateur

Registration is Broken on site

We've had reports that registration is broken on our commercial site - However, site registration is working, so new users should go there for now. We will update when we have a fix.

You may get a wrong cert error from the site. We are also aware of this issue and you can go ahead and trust the cert from (It's also a SlideME LLC cert).

I cannot login at all to the

I cannot login at all to the mobentoo site. It doesn't say incorrect user or pass, it just takes me back as if I'm not logged in. Also, search no longer works for me on either site, I just get a blank screen.

Login is now fixed so people

Login is now fixed so people can start using mobentoo site.

Sadly, it still seems not to

Sadly, it still seems not to work - even the one-time login link from e-mail says Access denied. That's from my Motorola Milestone; the login procedure works just fine on my PC.

Use & not

We will actually be using the domain eventually for new services planned from SlideME. Do not use but use to login.