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ArtfulBits aiMinesweeper

puzzle, Other) Android,Android Apps,Android Games,Appstore,Marketplace,Store,artfulbits,game,mine,minesweeper,puzzle,Other New version changes (v3.1): Online High-scores (context menu in highscores screen) Game ...

Mobile application - alex.kucherenko - avr. 26 2010 - 12:47pm - 2 commentaires


Android,Android Apps,Android Games,Appstore,Marketplace,Store ...

Mobile application - aLighter - janv. 14 2008 - 11:28am - 1 commentaire


Android,Android Apps,Android Games,Appstore,Marketplace,Store,Anddev,AndSudoku,brain,Fun,game,Magic,Numbers,Play,puzzle,squares,Sudoku,Other The goal is to fill all fields with numbers from 1 to 9 in an order that every row and every ...

Mobile application - plusminus - janv. 14 2008 - 11:28am - 3 commentaires


SAM to install apps You must use SAM to download APPS. The beauty of a single Application manager and voila, all from your phone. Why you need a download link for an APK? Otherwise non-free APPS ... Apps ...

Mobile application - plusminus - janv. 14 2008 - 11:28am - 6 commentaires

Mars Lander

office go by faster. Fun app, and runs cleanly. Clear, crisp graphics. Could have a few more options - ... This is a bug in the current version of SAM. The only way to see the app again is to delete SAM and reinstall. ... rendered 3D graphics. (2D, android, Fun, game, lander, mars, Other) app ...

Mobile application - NaweG - janv. 14 2008 - 11:28am - 12 commentaires