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fleapapa's applications
flea papa v1.0.2
By fleapapa. Updated Il y a 13 années
Care about your communities by knowing what people near you are thinking, saying, doing, selling, wanting and needing. With a patent-pending Search By Route technology, you can also connect with people or objects of interest along travel routes when you are on a trip.
For more information, please visit www.fleapapa.com.
help the most v1.0.1
By fleapapa. Updated Il y a 13 années
You're born to help others. With "help the most" in your mind and on your phone, you know who near you needs help every day when you wake up, travel, or enjoy a warm meal, while others can't. For those who have no Android phone, but want to help or need help, please visit www.helpthemost.net. Thank you for your help.