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Checklist with Photos v1.3
A checklist offering a very alternative implementation, not by generating endless alternatives and programming in all the types that you can possibly encounter, but by 2 simple ways:
1. 2 types of checkmarks indicating success/failure that cycle through each time you tap. This is called tri-state instead of Boolean, and acknowledges that not everything can complete to its full and satisfactory conclusion.
2. optionally tagging a photo to each line, either by an image file or, if device offers it, by camera (if your device has no camera, please do not tap the camera, you can only tag by file in such case). The adage of "A picture is worth a thousand words" is well-said.
It is compiled against Android 1.6 for compatibility to QVGA devices, but early versions are usable with Android 1.5, likely not to be so anymore for 1.5. For 1.5 users I still encourage you to try and report that for your fellow 1.5 users. Higher versions of Android runs without problem. Ad-supported complete versions.