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CSS Vade Mecum v1.3.5
CSS Vade Mecum is an illustrative collection of the most important CSS properties. Cascading Style Sheets is a style sheet language used for building feature-rich Web pages and Web applications. Latin title 'Vade Mecum' stands for 'guide at hand', 'reference book to hands', so the application gives the concise description of each separate CSS property, displays a style demo and an appropriate code snippet. CSS3 properties are still not implemented uniformly in all user agents, and CSS Vade Mecum shows browser-specific information regarding one or another property. The application lays emphasis on the latest stable release of Google
Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Safari and Internet Explorer.
CSS Vade Mecum gives interactive demonstrations of the following CSS properties groups:
- Animations: CSS3 keyframe-based animations;
- Backgrounds: properties for positioning and formatting of markup elements;
- Borders including border radius and image features;
- Box Model: box shadows, reflections and sizing;
- Color: colors and opacity;
- Columns: CSS3 multiple-column layout properties;
- Effects: various effects - from clipping to 2D transformations;
- Flexible Box: a CSS3 layout model implemented for
laying out more complex applications and webpages; - Fonts: basic font properties; application uses a set of open source typefaces;
- Formatting: properties for zooming, positioning and floating Web page elements;
- Lists: using lists and counters;
- Tables: table layouts for displaying information in a tabular format;
- Text: both general and WebKit-specific properties;
- Transitions: CSS3 transitions enabling CSS properties to change smoothly over a given time interval;
- User Interface: properties allowing to emulate platform-inherent appearance.
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Reviews of CSS Vade Mecum
Very bad app. Don't bother.