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CyborgChess v1.05
Cyborg Chess is an innovative project, that rapidly will increase beginners skills in the Chess Game.
The goal of the App is to improve the game of users of at least 300-400 ELO points in a short time.
To do that, Cyborg Chess has the following features:
1 ) Compact interface, which allows you to change the AI of the PC during the game
2 ) The hints are as deep as 5 moves forward; this depth allows the user to see how it develops the tactical game .
3 ) You can have up to 5 hints to allow the user to develop his strategic capabilities, while the tactical work is done by the computer
4) During the game you can change the piece color ( to make the PC do your moves) or the computer can take your place for a PC vs. PC game .
5 ) During the game you can change the type of game ( without starting it again and with just one click ) , the following games are available:
H vs. H, H vs PC , PC vs H , PC vs. PC.
6) It's possible to save the game.
7) There are two open source Chess Engine : Lua Jester and Sargon.
8) Three languages: Italian, English and Spanish
The upgrades of the App are monthly, so keep the option updating active
In the next update new features will be available :
1 ) Unlimited Undo
2 ) Adding and deleting pieces to allow you to create handicap during the game