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MakeFeedback Lite v1.6
'Make-feedback' allows you to operate the Net Promoter Score system via SMS messages. The app allows you to receive useful feedback from your clients whatever business or organisation you operate.
Net Promoter is a customer feedback methodology (and a registered trademark of Fred Reichheld, Bain & Company, and Satmetrix).
The net promoter score can be calculated via The Ultimate Question:
“On a scale of 1-10 (10 being the most likely), how likely are you to recommend us to family or friends?”
The ‘ultimate question’ (UQ) is an established method of gaining feedback from clients. If the client responds with a mark of 9 or 10 (PROMOTERS) they are asked a subsequent question of what did we do well?
If the client responds with a mark of 6 or below (DETRACTORS) they can be asked the subsequent question of what can we do to improve?
Responses with a mark of 7-8 (PASSIVES) are not added to the equation.
The net promoter is calculated by detracting the detractors percentage from the promoters percentage.
The idea of the net promoter score is to promote growth via personal recommendation. The NPS can be used to measure the level of customer satisfaction and potential growth as well as a measure of achieved improvement (or vice versa).
At a basic level we at Make-Feedback think this could work as follows:
Receive a score which is a detractor and use the subsequent response to find out where you need to improve and then make changes to your customer service. e.g. ‘slow to respond to emails’ could lead to employing more staff devoted to email responses or an increased focus on emails.
So to summarise the app:
1. Allows you to receive feedback via SMS from clients
2. Allows you to seek feedback via SMS from your clients
3. Displays feedback in a logical style uses the net promoter model (this model is widely used by respected + global companies)
4. The net promoter model encourages growth for your company