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mEvolve trial vmEvolve Trial 1.0
Instructions for using mEvolve:
The main screen's buttons are layed out like this:
back - play/pause - stop - next - open - save
The menu options for the main screen:
playback options - view settings
Listening mode:
First, you might want to hear what kind of music mEvolve produces by default. To do this, press the "next" button. You will see a progress icon in the upper righthand corner, and a message, "creating" to let you know that mEvolve is working on the next song. It can take a minute or more, depending on your Android device. To avoid waiting, you can enable "auto start next" in the "playback options" menu. When mEvolve finishes creating a song, it will play the song and start creating the next song during playback. With "auto start next" enabled you can exit mEvolve and it will still create and playback music continuously. If you hear a song you like, you can save it to your phone or SD card with the save button, and play it back at any time with the "open" button. All rights to this music will be owned by you, except for in the case where the music created randomly by mEvolve closely resembles previously copyrighted work.
Song generation controls:
If you want to change the way mEvolve creates music, you can access the controls by choosing "view settings" from the main menu. This will take you to a list of tracks. The menu options here are:
Save Settings - Load Settings - Add Track - Return to Player - View Song
Each track represents an instrument that will be used in the next song. The first track is always called "Chords" and it represents the chord progression. It can't be deleted or duplicated, but it can be muted. Other than that, its controls are the same as the controls for the other tracks.
If you select a track, you will be given a list of options:
Edit Info - Edit Generator - Delete - Duplicate
"Edit Info" is where you can choose a track's instrument and it's volume. "Edit Generator" is where you can change the style of the music created for a track by adjusting several controls. The controls for the Chords track are a little bit different, and they have more influence over the style of the music as a whole.
"View Song":
This option can be accessed from the menu of the settings screen. Selecting "View Song" will bring you to a second "settings" screen. This screen is different, however, because it shows the settings used for the most recently created song. The significance of this is that any settings which were set as "random" will now have real values, and actual instruments will be selected. If you want to edit and use these settings for future songs, you must select "Save Settings" from the menu in the song settings screen.