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Photo talks Halloween v1.3
The app detects people's faces on the selected photo and automatically generate dialogues shown as speech bubbles (talk clouds). Additionally it generates different Halloween masks for the people on the photo.
You can add as many masks/balloons as you like manually.
✔ automatically detects FRONT facing people faces on the photo
✔ automatically generates dialogues suitable for Halloween (contains over 220 different dialogues)
✔ 24 different masks in two sets
✔ customizable speech balloons: color, size of the text; color, shape, opacity, thickness and effects of the speech balloon
✔ lets you take manual control over the final result if needed: re-position and edit the generated speech bubbles or masks, manually add speech bubbles or masks, write your own dialogues
✔ lets you generate photos with speech bubbles and masks or only with masks,
✔ lets you use photos from gallery, directly form camera or one of the 4 test photos that are built in the app.