With TUlive be happy you can manage many factors that influence your happiness in order to increase it.
How are you doing with work, money, partner, health, friends, sex, luck, family, success and popularity. Everything counts, right?
Enter your scores and check the results over time.
Famous quotations for each day.
Take a few seconds to enter how your day was and analyze your personal situation.
Put as wallpaper your photos and pictures stored on the Dropbox cloud and make backups of your application data.
Don't forget that if you are happy, the people who love you will be happy too. Your happiness and theirs really worth.
Your state of mind is worth more joy and wellbeing.
Combat sadness and depression, improve your mood and increase your joy for living.
Everybody wants to be happy. For many people, life is the pursuit of happiness.
Happiness is priceless, so TUlive is free.
And... You deserve to be happy!
Parental rating:
Everyone (age 6 and over)
Default language:
Supported languages:
Requires Google Play and/or account:
Requires third-party libraries:
Requires 'rooted' device:
Target Android version:
Android 4.2
Minimum Android version:
Android 4.0
Minimum screen width:
320 dpx
Requires features:
Requires permissions:
Access network state,