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Fantaeuro v0.7
Do you want play Magic European Fantacalcio on your Android Phone? This application is for you. Configure one or more team, select the formation, choice players with quotes always update (from Gazzetta dello Sport), deploy your holders and bench and compute the score with bonus and malus. This application allow you to do this.
İdeal Kilonuzu Bulun! v1.2
İdeal Kilo Hesaplama..
Boy, Kilo ve Cinsiyetinizi girin Vücut Kitle İndeksinizi(BMI) hesaplayın.
BMI sonucunuza göre bulunduğunuz kategoriyi görün.
iCalculators v1.0
iCalculators is an ultimate collection of tools(calculators) that makes our lives easier.
Numeral System Calculator
Tip Calculator
All-n-One Calculator v1.6
* 1.5 Update *
All -n- Calculator is not just another calculator app but is a collection of useful calculators. It consists of a tip calculator, mortgage calculator, auto loan calculator, sales calculator, basic calculator and a conversion calculator that converts the more common units of measure.
Mechanical Calculator v2.0
Calculate various properties of Mechanical using this simple utility tool.
Sports Calculator v2.0
Sports calc: Calculate & track baseball, basketball, Football and ice-hockey.
Tax Calculator v2.0
Calculate various properties of Tax related values using this utility tool.
Trigonometry Calculator v2.0
Calculate various properties of Trigonometry using this simple utility tool.
Analytical Calculator v2.0
Calculate various properties of Analytical using this simple utility tool.
Area Calculator v2.0
Calculate various properties of Area related values using this utility tool.
Budget Calculator v2.0
Calculate various properties of Budget using this simple utility tool.
Weather Calculator v2.0
Calculate & track weather related calculations at one place.
Fuel Calculator v1.0
This program allows you to calculate how much you spend a chunk of money for fuel, and if you drive more than one how much money will be paid for each passenger. It's very simple and accessible to each program. Download and save time for calculations.
Master Algebra Lite v1.3
This is for high school/college students learning algebra.It has tutorials,practice algebra skills,practice timed test & algebra challenge to compete with other genius around the world.It covers number,ratio & proportion,exponent & radical,polynomial,linear equation,quadratic equation,rational expression,inequality.
Lite version contains 210 practice questions.
Math Fundamentals Lite v1.3
Practice math fundamentals for kids Grade 2 to Grade 8.It has tutorials,practice math skills,practice timed test,math challenge.
It covers all the math fundamentals skills like addition,subtraction,multiplication,division,order of operation,LCM & GCF,Time,fraction,decimal & percentage.
FitnessTracker v1.1
Are you a fitness enthusiast? Then Fitness Tracker is the app for you!! Track your fitness, view your energy, speed, pace while exercising, keep record of your workout data on your phone. Check your physical fitness, your BMI, monitor how many calories you burn daily.
Master Algebra v1.3
This is for high school/college student learning algebra. It has tutorials,practice algebra skills,practice timed test & algebra challenge. This covers numbers,ratio & proportion,exponent & radicals,polynomial,linear equation,quadratic equation,rational expression,inequality. contains 350 questions.