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ALBahaeStore v0.63.13368.31211
Search & buy millions of products right from your Android device.
The ALBaha eStore Mobile App allows Android users to quickly search, compare prices, read reviews, share products with friends, and make purchases on using a simple, yet elegant, interface. To make on-the-go shopping and price comparison even easier, the ALBaha eStore Mobile App includes helpful shopping features that allow users type a search, to quickly compare prices and check availability.
Acil Droid vv2
Bulunduğunuz yerin adresini öğrenme bu bilgiyi SMS ve e-posta ile gönderme
Magnificent v1.0.1
A nice colorful live wallpaper for anybody and everybody to enjoy!
e-class v1.6
This application is a systematic way to record the behavior of students during class or outside, and aims to inform and review.
The student's behaviors are recorded by the teacher and created a scoring system.
Emma v2.0
Emma By Jane Austen
These books were acquired by the gutenberg project. These books can be copied and distributed at no cost. Please visit the gutenberg project for more free books.
aiAntiPiracy v1.0.2
Is your phone in the "Black List" of pirated devices? You are buying phone from eBay and want to know is it clean? Do you install illegal copies of applications? Do you want to protect yourself from piracy?
Check your phone for piracy threat level.
Be sure you are clean! v1.9
“ App” is an application that will enable mobile users to easily access information of ( products and services.
English Danish Dictionary FREE v1.0.0
Offline English Danish dictionary. More than 91.000 words. FREE!
Engelsk Dansk ordbog offline. Mere end 91.000 ord! GRATIS!
AugustineConfessions v1.0
“And men go abroad to admire the heights of mountains, the mighty waves of the sea, the broad tides of rivers, the compass of the ocean, and the circuits of the stars, yet pass over the mystery of themselves without a thought.”-- St. Augustine of Hippo
The classic Confessions of St. Augustine in a simple, easy to use e-reader format.
Networking Interview questions and answers v1.0.4
Networking interview questions and answers
It includes 24 questions with answers, if you are going to attend an interview of Networking, please read it.
Mi Planilla v1.6
Aplicación indispensable para aquellas personas que trabajan con turnos rotatorios o quieran llevar un control de sus días trabajados.
Introducir los turnos es increíblemente rápido, sólo deberás crear un patrón con los turnos e indicar el intervalo de fechas en el que se repite.
Puedes definir nuevos turnos o modificar los ya existentes para adaptar el calendario a tus necesidades.
Modifica los colores del entorno para personalizar el calendario y los turnos.
Screen Safe Lock v1.0
Protect your private Data, Files, Pictures, SMS and Chat Conversations from being seen by unwanted people. Stay safe. v1.4 - handy, easy, innovative service for search and purchase air tickets.
Temporary Email v1.5.1
Use your email address anywhere you want without fear of spams.
Create a temporary email account and use it to register of forums, download free file or any confirmation.
It won't be valid in 1 hour so spammers won't be able to fill your inbox.
Features :
- create temporary and disposable email address
- 9 domains available (more to come)
- save opened messages for offline reading
- handle HTML message (but no attachment)
- custom refresh rate
- quick address copy to clipboard
Secret v1.0
L'App per inviare SMS ANONIMI,fare scherzi, flirtare, senza essere identificati.
Towering v1.0.0
Towering is a great classic platformer, very addictive and not as easy as it looks.
English Slovak Dictionary FREE v1.0.0
Offline English Slovak dictionary. Anglicko-slovenský slovník.
More than 100.000 words. FREE!