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TravelBook Boston v1.0
Travel Guide for Boston (USA)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs
TravelBook Crete v1.0
Travel Guide for Crete (Greece)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs
TravelBook Beijing v1.0
Travel Guide for Beijing (China)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs
TravelBook Amsterdam v1.0
Travel Guide for Amsterdam (Netherlands)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs
TravelBook Hamburg v1.0
Travel Guide for Hamburg (Germany)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs
TravelBook London v1.0
Travel Guide for London (UK)
-download additional books (small fee)
-regular/free map & content updates
-detailed street maps (OSM)
-turn by turn routing
-point of interests + Wikipedia
-location aware search (GPS)
-supports 20+ languages
-no expensive roaming costs
Remember The Place (Donate Version) v1.0
*Ads-Free version*
Ever want to come back to some cool places you've ever visited but you forgot the way to get back there?
Never let that things happen again!
With this app installed on your phone, you will never forget every place you've visited last week, last month, even last year.
Remember The Place offer you an easy way to save your location.
Only with one click from your homescreen, and your place information is saved right into your device.
Stress Reduction-Audio-Full Edition v1.1.4
Want to better learn how to relax? Stress Reduction-Audio contains two guided relaxation techniques to guide you through the process of becoming more fully relaxed. In addition, relaxing nature sounds are included as a sleep aid. Be sure to try Stress Reduction-Audio-Free first, to see if the techniques help you to become more relaxed.
ein-g TimeTracker v1.0.0
Enter your working times from anywhere with your mobile device. A free ein-g TimeTracker account is included. You can register it within the app or at The online application provides many more features like project, task and address management, time tracking, invoicing and team collaboration.
It helps you organize your everyday work. You can access ein-g TimeTracker with any current browser from any place you want.
Shout App v2.1.4
Shout, lets you express yourself to the world around you. SHOUTing is as simple as real life shouting. You post a shout message and anyone with the app around you will be able to view what you have shouted. No need to have a network. No need to add any friends. It will transform the way people unite.
Droid Over Wifi PRO v1.7.3
Pro version of popular application.
If you like free version, then you should try a Droid Over WIfi Pro.
• APP management. Install, Uninstall, Upload and Download installed apps within browser.
• Activity Log. Never miss what you have done. Clicking on files and folder in activity log will automatically select it on file system, so don`t have to look for them.
• New features will be added constantly
a Wallet v3.3
"a Wallet" application is your personal Virtual Wallet at your fingertips. It allows you to save and manage your most important data like Card Numbers, Bank Accounts' details, your Web Memberships, Private Notes, Vehicles & Computers' access info, Personal Info, etc.
All of your data is stored in fully Encrypted form and is also protected by a Password of your choice, which you can change anytime.
momondo v7.5.0
Find, compare and book flights and hotels with momondo’s beautiful all-in-one travel app.
Search and compare billions of flight and hotel prices all over the world from wherever you are, faster than ever before. It’s free, easy, fun to use and you can save money and time when booking your next vacation or trip! So why pay more for the same when you can find the best here? momondo is independent and we’re dedicated to price transparency for all travelers!
WPSPIN. WPS PIN Wireless Auditor. (Ad-Free)
Default PIN generator for routers with WPS active, invoking WiFi settings. WPA command-line client generator to allow interact with wpa_supplicant through wpa_cli. Instruction execution generator for Bully, Reaver and Reavermod programs, and allows the direct implementation in the bcmon application or Terminal application.
Best To Call v4.04
Website To PDF v2.0
Website to PDF converts any webpage/website/url to PDF file. Create, manage, share and save any PDF file directly from your android device. Several tweaks and custom options available for Free.
- Generate hign quality PDF
- Save PDF files for offline reading
- Share your files by email, skype, bluetooth, wifi, whatsapp etc.
- Export exact replica of live website
- Merge mutiple URL's to create one PDF
- Fast and accurate conversion
PixelPipe v1.0.4
Liberate your media with Pixelpipe and get your photos off of your Android powered device and out to your favorite social network, micro-blog, photo/video and blog services. With over 60 supported destinations from around the world to choose from the choice is really yours. Free your media and share your life.
Flickr, Facebook, MySpace, Picasa, twitter, blogger and many more
Emergency Manager Plus v2.0
Emergency Manager Plus (FREE) for mobiles and tablets is a complete emergency situation management app which is equipped with emergency service numbers for over 200 countries. You can send SMS requesting help with your current location (GPS and Network)just with a single touch. It also uses the enormous outreach of the social-networking media (Facebook to post emergency alerts on your behalf, so that help can be always at hand from your friends nearby. Added multilingual support.