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Photo Wall 3D Live Wallpaper v1.0
Take your favorite memories everywhere with you in this virtual 3D photo wallpaper!
GuLong Novels v1.0.3
GuLong Novels
Xiong Yaohua (7 June 1938 – 21 September 1985), better known by his pen name Gu Long, was a Chinese novelist and screenwriter.
Live Cell v3.6.7
Live Cell, also known simply as Life, is a cellular automaton devised by the British mathematician-John Horton Conway in 1970.1. Any live cell with fewer than two live neighbors dies, as if caused by under population. 2. Any live cell with more than three live neighbors dies, as if by overcrowding.3. Any live cell with two or three live
Text Effects LWP-Free v1.2
Text Effects Live Wallpaper to bring life to your text.
River Bridge Garden v1.0.0
Feel and watch the calming scenery of River Bridge Garden on your android screen!
3D Gyroscope Free v1.1
Gyroscope 3D is a live wallpaper that simulates a 3D mechanical gyroscope.
Sea Life v1.05
From now on you'll have no excuse to be bored with this game.
You have to guide the star to the surface Bob jumping between coral and picking up the other stars.
Try to avoid to other fish. Bumping can harm fish!!
Download this game for free and enjoy anywhere with your mobile phone.
Weather-Forecast v2.0.0
This application is powered by World Weather Online. The data is retrieved from the API (available in the public domain) released by the World Weather Online application.
Vector 360 v1.02
If you were a fan of the great game Arkanoid, now enjoy with Vector 360 Breakout.
Destroy all the balls trying to defend your base in under 30 seconds by bouncing your weapon and even reversing gravity.
Post your best score in the Highscores table and reach the number 1.
Download this free game, get anywhere with your mobile phone. You are only a click away. Get It!
MathsGenius v1.0
Good App to test your Maths skill. Check how fast you can add numbers. Two modes to play. App for kids and other. Good time killer.
The Tower Of Blocks v1.01
Construct the taller tower of blocks, but be careful, because the gravity are not at your side. And Newton was right!!!
Download this free application and enjoy anywhere with your mobile phone.
PubSlots v1.21
Free to play PubSlots slot machine with full features of a traditional fruit machine.This fruit machine is a fun packed game that will keep you entertained.
Appetizer Recipes v2.0
Simply the easiest and most delicious free Appetizer Recipes! Includes a shopping list and notes tool and this app allows you to search by ingredient and appetizer name!
Video Games Quiz v1.7
How much do you know your video games?
Well, let's find out with this graphical quiz game.
We show you a series of screenshots from various video games, some recent and some old timers, and you must recognize them.
Chatel Mobile v2.2.9
Avec l'arrivée de Free Mobile sur le marché de la téléphonie mobile, la concurence change également ses tarifs.
Alors si vous souhaitez quitter votre opérateur, que ce soit Bouygues Telecom, Orange, SFR, Free Mobile ou un autre, cette application est faite pour vous.
Laberintos Sumados FREE v1.2
Exercise your mind, seeking and finding the maze that leads to the goal by adding the amount shown under the dash.
LightStep v1.02
A grid of cells that play a tone in sequence - similar to a tenori-on
San Antonio Riverwalk Cafe v1.0.0
Feel and watch the famous San Antonio Riverwalk Cafe on your android screen!
Moon Beach at Night v1.0.0
Feel and watch the calming scenery of Beach at Night with full moon on your android screen!
OthelloClassic v2.3
Othello Classic is a 2 human player game
The object of the game is to have the majority of your color discs on the board at the end of the game
Black move first
A move consists of "outflanking" your opponent's disc(s), then flipping the outflanked disc(s) to your color
If a player can't place his disc, the game will automatically change the turn
You can know the turn by the color of the background