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Analytics - App Insights

Gain insight in your how well your apps are performing distributed through SlideME.

Introducing SlideME Analytics

The SlideME Analytics dashboard is available from once logged-in with your SlideME developer account. 

Get details on: 
  • Downloads - from the SlideME Market (SAM) app,  web downloads
  • Installs - from the SlideME Market (SAM) app, SlideME Tracking Installs SDK
  • Device Models - device brands and models installing your apps
  • Country Origin - demographic data such as country location
There is always a way to track your apps’ performance distributed via SlideME and the best way is to track actual installs.

You can either use your own in-app-analytics mechanism or leverage SlideME’s Tracking Installs SDK.  This SDK is suitable for app developers that wish to track all acquisitions generated from SlideME, including downloads from Web and the SlideME Market (SAM) app. SAM can easily track any install and report such to Analytics, but its impossible to track the install from a web download. For this reason we recommend implementing a simple SDK for tracking actual installs or the SlideME Tracking Installs SDK for which reports to the SlideME Analytics dashboard.

Once the SDK for tracking installs is implemented within your app, you will notice the specific SDK data being mapped under "Installs & Downloads" within the SlideME Analytics dashboard. If no SDK is implemented, you will only see Installs generated from SAM and for downloads generated from SAM and web.

To get access to the SlideME Tracking Installs SDK, contact SlideME.