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How do I receive my payments for my applications ?

Ready to cash out your earnings from SlideME user purchases of your applications? We make it easy. As a SlideME Android developer you have access to a number of convenient payout options for funds that have accumulated in your account. You can choose to cash these out whenever you wish, but remember that applicable transaction fees will be deducted with each payout.

SlideME offers you the convenience of payouts by:

  • PayPal: Have funds sent to your PayPal account. See also withdrawal options from Paypal.
  • Wire transfer to a bank account: Have funds wired directly to your bank account. Wire transfer fees apply.
  • Amazon Payments: Have funds sent to your Amazon account.

Feel free to suggest more payout options and how you wish to get paid. Contact SlideME.

Earnings from sales will be automatically remitted to your preferred Payment account. Assure your set your 'Payout Info' details. You can 'Request a Payment' using a link at anytime providing you have accumulated $50 minimum in your earnings balance.

Developers get further details from SlideME Developer's Rate Schedule

The process for a developer to publish a paid application and receive payout:

1. Create an account on SlideME as a developer.
2. Stock your applications to SlideME's inventory
3. Choose if you wish to protect your applications with SlideLock
4. Publish your applications for distribution
5. Complete the Payout Info form available from Edit > Payout Info, including Cheque Remittance details, Bank Account, and optional Paypal account details.
6. If a non-US resident, fill out and e-sign the W-8BEN form under My Profile > Contracts. This form simply confirms to SlideME you are not a US tax resident.
7. Request a Payment below the earnings block available from 'Transactions' > 'Payments' details Menu. Once request for payment has been initiated expect payment to have been processed within 7 days (Net-7 days).

The Payout dues, are based upon the payment method used by the consumer. This model has been implemented to maintain highest payouts to developer and to permit SlideME to adopt multiple type of Payment methods the consumer can utilize from any parts of the world or entity. Every payment method has its own processing fees. E.g, introducing carrier billing by X carrier, the carrier could set a fee of 20%. A prepaid card from country Y could have processing fees consisting of a % and a fixed rate per transaction.

An applications is published by the developer at a fee of $1.00
The consumer uses Amazon Payments as a payment method (fees: 5% + $0.05). The developer will receive $0.90
If the same application purchased via Amazon Payments and is sold to the UK since the UK has a Sales Tax rate of 20% VAT, the developer will receive $1.00 / 1.20 - ($1.00x0.05+0.05) = $0.73

**SlideME handles the Sales Tax complexities. With SlideME the developer is not required as set out in the Android Market Terms & Conditions to apply sales tax, collect the sales tax and remit to the country authorities the collected sales taxes.**

More details:

If you reside outside the USA, all SlideME will need is for you to sign a W8BEN form. This form needs to be sent to us before we can remit payment to you. This is quite a simple form to confirm to SlideME that you are a tax citizen/resident of your country and that we do not need to withhold any fees from your payout when paying your invoice.

You can withdraw funds from Earnings Balance once you reach the minimum of $50 USD (reduced from $100 on March 8, 2013). Do contact is if you need a payout sooner.

For any applications that have VAT applied to them or a sales tax, we purchase your item minus this sales tax. The rate you wish to sell your application will be the final price to consumer. SlideME takes care of collecting applied sales taxes to customers invoices and remits accordingly to the acquiring authorities.

Details available from the DDA Developer Distribution Agreement.

* The payout limit set to $50 is only for keeping administration resources to a minimum and making it worthwhile for developer to receive the highest payout with minimal remittance fees. If you would like to receive payouts sooner, do contact us at SlideME and our friendly staff we will be glad to accommodate your requirements.