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App updates
Soumis par spottyelephant le ven, 11/06/2009 - 09:21
I was just wondering what the story is with app udpates like on the android market. Are you planning to implement an "update available" feature?
I ask cuz i know the android market's version of radiant is now ahead of my version in my slideme locker, and i'm hesitant to buy flying aces in case a big update with new airports etc comes out and I can't get the update from the mobentee (or whatever it's called now) app.
Can't purchase
I decided just to buy it anyway, however i've tried several times to buy it (even logged in and out twice) and everytime i try to buy it says "purchase failed" with no other information - any ideas??
RE: App updates
I too would like to know if SlideME supports OTA's. Thanks.