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MailDroid review by hoser350

I really love the program and have plans purchase if they can get a couple of features put into this program. The most important feature is the timed syncing. I don't need to have the e-mail synced during the night. The ding won't wake me up. People will call if they are having issues. If I could get the timed syncing to save my battery life I would buy this program in a heart beat. It is already much better than the default mail sync application.

The second and less important feature request is to enter my default mailbox when I click on my notification. Right now Maildroid is setup to notify me and show up in the drop down list so I know when I get an e-mail. If I bring down the notification window at the top and click on the notification though it sends me to the page with all of the possible e-mails rather than sending me to my default inbox. So I have to click on the inbox before seeing the e-mails.