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Roster Demo v1.1.0sm
An effortless way to track attendance
Are you an educator? Roster app lets you keep track of your students' attendance. Whether you are a college professor, graduate assistant,
workshop facilitator or even a guitar instructor, forget clumsy piles of paper since your Android-powered phone is already in your pocket.
More information on
All features are available in demo, but you cannot add more than one class.
Roster works on Android 1.6+.
Keep track of attendance by marking students as present, late, absent, or absent with an excuse.
Have an instant overview of your teaching history.
Roster application recognizes when you are currently in class.
Take photos on the spot and keep your students' photographs on the roster.
Send attendance data to yourself as a comma-separated-value (CSV) file, so you can open it in any spreadsheet application.
- Anweisungen
- Anwesenheitserfassung
- attendance
- aufnehmen
- Bildung
- course
- courses
- Dienstplan
- education
- frammøte
- instructions
- instruksjoner
- Kurs
- Kurse
- posten
- record
- roster
- school
- Schüler
- skole
- sporing
- student
- tracking
- universitetet
- university
- utdanning
- vaktliste
- التعليم
- الحضور
- المقررات
- بالطبع
- تتبع
- تسجيل
- تعليمات
- جامعة
- طالب
- في
- قائمة
- مدرسة
- す
- の
- へ
- る
- を
- コ
- ス
- ー
- 出
- 名
- 大
- 学
- 席
- 指
- 教
- 校
- 生
- 示
- 簿
- 育
- 記
- 跡
- 追
- 録