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TriAnd v0.6-a
* This is an Alpha release that will expire on January 1, 2013.
Bugs are to be expected. Please use the comments section to ask for new features.
** Thank you to everyone that has used this App thus far! With your help, it is more stable now than before.
- Estimates animal's location from two or more positions and bearings
- Calculates and displays the estimate's 95% confidence ellipse
- Overlay estimate and confidence ellipses on a Google Maps satellite image
- Choose between:
* Maximum likelihood estimate (MLE)
* Best biangulation estimate
* Andrews (Tukey) estimate
* Huber estimate
- Choose to use builtin compass or enter bearings manually
- Choose to calculate declination automatically, or set it to whatever you want
- Export data and results to .csv
- View and perform basic data edits, such as deletion, in App
What to Expect in Future Releases:
- choose to output Lat/Long or UTM coordinates.
- improved warning messages. e.g. when bearings are too close together.
- ability to browse through estimates from within google maps.
- import animals table via .csv.