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Dont Step On Mine Dont Step On Mine v1.0.1

Tests your reflexes against time and movement with this simple and fun game!

Magzter Magzter v3.19

Magzter, the world’s fastest growing digital magazine store now introduces BOOKS! We are now "Magzter – Magazine & Book Store".

Magzter is everything you ever wanted from digital reading.

Magzter 3.0 series of updates bring a completely stylized and stable app with a host of new features.

Televideo Parlante Televideo Parlante v1.26

App for Android developed by dedicated to serving RAI Televideo National. Compared with other similar apps, app teletext, this application also allows you to "listen" to the selected pages from the speech synthesizer of your android. After loading the page with a simple touch you can listen to the entire page.

Kingdom of Diamonds Kingdom of Diamonds v1.0.0

Kingdom Of Diamonds is an exciting match-3 puzzle game full of hidden treasures! Prepare to embark on an adventure of a lifetime with over 120 challenging levels to play now!

ESL Daily English ESL Daily English v4.9

This is a an helper application for beginner to intermediate to advanced English learners. This independent application has been made by ImApp Soft, who which is a fan of the very popular podcast for English learners, English as a Second Language Podcast at

Christmas Lights Christmas Lights v1.1.1

★ Make the longest chain of Christmas lights! ★


Christmas Lights is a fast tapping game in which you have to connect the bulbs
in order to progress.

Your range diminishes quickly so you need to make your decisions
as fast as possible.

Use special items to your advantage and outrun the Grinch.

Can you make the longest chain of bulbs?

UnTangled UnTangled v1.0

The big dots look simple, but they are tangled. Untangle all the dots and release them free.
Untangle is a challenging, tactical game with a unique strategy of its own.

PgMP QQ PgMP QQ v1.0

Approach PgMP prepared well!

A unique quiz helping test knowledge required on the PgMP level. It helps to prepare for the PgMP (Program Management Professional) credential. Over 50 questions about the Standard for Program Management.

Answer the questions as fast as possible to get maximum points. The longer you wait, however, you'll get more hints.

Donut Flow Saga Donut Flow Saga v1.0

Connect matching color donut with pipe to create a power flow. Pair all colors, and cover the entire board to solve each level.

Beautiful Celebrity Stars Quiz Beautiful Celebrity Stars Quiz v1.26

How well do you know the most beautiful celebrities? Now’s the time to test your knowledge of movie and famous pop stars with the Celebrity Stars Quiz HD!

Thesaurus Map Thesaurus Map v1.9

Browse synonyms in a mind map visual style.

Visual KPI Visual KPI v1.0

Visual KPI - Mobile BI, Operations Monitoring, Analytics and alerts.

Autobeesy Feen Autobeesy Feen v1.0

" Autobeesy feen " helps you to know when and where your tracked bus last seen... It also connect you with people riding your demanded bus via comments

Tomaz Apple Tomaz Apple v1.1

“Tomaz Apple” is an original puzzle game with one unique objective: You need to set up Tomaz bombs on the map in the right way and activate them to blow up all enemies! With simple playing rule, Tomaz Apple seems easy to finish at first, but your brain will need to work hard a lot to get 3 stars! Furthermore, a lot of fun when you blow up the enemies and see them flying!!!
Get the game NOW to discover many interesting features and become addicted to them!

Simply Tic Tac Toe Simply Tic Tac Toe v1.0.1

The most well known and most played pencil and paper game in the world. Tic-tac-toe, tick-tack-toe, noughts and crosses, Xs and Os, Xs and 0s, 3 in-a-row are only some of the names it is known by around the world. The rules are simple, there are 2 players X and O who take turns to fill a 3x3 grid. The player who gets 3 Xs or 3 Os in a row is the winner!

Rusty Gears Rusty Gears v5.2

Watch out! Your phone is rusting!

NO spyware, NO malware

Free bonus - cracked glass and squashed mosquitoes backgrounds.

That’s right, the insides of your phone have gotten attacked by Oxygen, and now they’re changing color and working slower and… Looking beautiful, to be honest! Worry not...

Cars at night Cars at night v5.2

A window to the city night life – inside your phone.
NO spyware, NO malware
Free bonus - cracked glass and squashed mosquitoes backgrounds.

Balance Mania Free Balance Mania Free v1.2.0

One of the most challenging and addicting games ever is now available on Android.

Each level begins with a few blocks you have to destroy by dropping new blocks of the same color on them. Sounds simple, but make sure the bar at the bottom stays in balance.
Tackle all levels and try to get a better score than your friends.

Play it for FREE on your Android phone or tablet! But beware: very ADDICTING game!

Remote for SensorCamera Remote for SensorCamera v1.0.0

Achieve insane vantage point by controlling camera remotely.

Mind Illusion Mind Illusion v1.1

The Mind Illusion is able to guess symbols right out of the mind of the player.