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Dont Step On Mine Dont Step On Mine v1.0.1

Tests your reflexes against time and movement with this simple and fun game!

Magzter Magzter v3.19

Magzter, the world’s fastest growing digital magazine store now introduces BOOKS! We are now "Magzter – Magazine & Book Store".

Magzter is everything you ever wanted from digital reading.

Magzter 3.0 series of updates bring a completely stylized and stable app with a host of new features.

PgMP QQ PgMP QQ v1.0

Approach PgMP prepared well!

A unique quiz helping test knowledge required on the PgMP level. It helps to prepare for the PgMP (Program Management Professional) credential. Over 50 questions about the Standard for Program Management.

Answer the questions as fast as possible to get maximum points. The longer you wait, however, you'll get more hints.

Beautiful Celebrity Stars Quiz Beautiful Celebrity Stars Quiz v1.26

How well do you know the most beautiful celebrities? Now’s the time to test your knowledge of movie and famous pop stars with the Celebrity Stars Quiz HD!

6 Lines 6 Lines v1.0

6 Lines is a simple yet addictive puzzle game.
It gives something to your brain, SWEET to chew on! If you want to test your IQ and enjoy endlessly,
6 Lines is Simple yet Addictive, Addictive puzzle meant for you.
How to play:
- Connect a flow from Green Dot to Red Dot at exact 6 Lines and create a flow
- Just watch time out for each flow
* Unique Concept
* Mind Relaxing sounds
* Smooth, polished touch interaction.

Parabéns Parabéns v1.25

With Happy Birthday, you will never forget people's birthday or any special date anymore! The app warns you with notifications the current and future birthday people, all according to simple configurations!

With the functionality of importing contacts from Facebook, your birthday people list will be completed quickly.

tourismart lite tourismart lite v1.0.3

An everyday hotel management system for small hotels, guesthouses and villas.

Square Square v1.0.2

Squares Game is an original game which will challenge your brain to find the solution on connecting the squares with the corresponding colored circle.

Happy Pet House Happy Pet House v1.0.0

It's a busy day in Happy Pet Story! Every townie is having house visits right now. You, as Mayor Mojo's secretary, must take notes on whoever entered the house! Happy Pet House pits your memory skills against the townies' quick-running legs!

Keep track of who entered the house and select the correct answer! Train your memory and be the next memory master!

Happy Pet House is the fourth mini-game launched under Happy Pet Project. Other games include Happy Pet Story, Find, Spot, Balance.

On the island:match 3 On the island:match 3 v1.0.2

Embark on a magical island to seek adventure game genre - match 3!

Email Pictures (Free) Email Pictures (Free) v1.10

You just made a picture and you want to instantly email it to the list of your friends - how hard is that? Well ... it is just a-click-away with this app! One click - one second - and it's over!

Email Pictures Email Pictures v1.7

You just made a picture or short video and you want to instantly email it to the list of your friends - how hard is that? Well ... it is just a-click-away with this app! One click - one second - and it's over!

Tubicca Tubicca v1.0.0

Tubicca keeps playing youtube videos outside the application in a beautiful resizable and customizable popup. Tubicca uses the power of multi-task, it allows you to pop-out and float your videos above any other app, you can now read your emails browse your social media apps and watch youtube at the same time.

Button Dance Button Dance v2.0

Tired of time consuming games? This game might be just for you! Be addicted now!

Boulder Dash® Boulder Dash® v2.0.16

Gem Collectors, Dig This! Boulder Dash®-30th Anniversary™ finds our heroes, Rockford™, Crystal™ and others, facing a slew of new, exciting challenges in this legendary action puzzler. Dig through spectacular caves with 3D elements; avoid falling boulders; collect valuable gems and avoid nefarious enemies along the way. Discover treasure chests with rare collectibles and potent power-ups.

Balls n Rocks Balls n Rocks v1.05

Fight your way through falling balls and rocks in action-packed levels

joomp berd joomp berd v12.22.2015

in joomp berd, joomp berd joomps on blocks

PenguinsOnIce PenguinsOnIce v3.19.2016

氷の上にペンギン Bowling with exploding penguins! One or two players!

Kosunin Kosunin v1.1.40

Use special abilities to help the Kosunin retrieve their stolen costumes in FAST PACED ACTION SWIPING!

Curation Genesys Curation Genesys v1.4

Content Curation now on mobile. Directly publishing to your Wordpress blog!
Also include convenient copy to clipboard button for the selected content